4: Uneasy Concerns

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3rd Person.

The arrival of the clones and droid forces brought both hope and uneasiness to humanity. One; Many of the politicians and politically motivated generals were deeply suspicious of their intentions here on Earth and whether they could trust them, or not. The propaganda effects created Morden, subtly influencing them in a way that they would rather die than accept help from these outsiders, which they call subtle treason, even though many of their friends or allies just defected to the Sirens in mass.

Two; They dislike the fact that there are outsiders, no better than the Sirens. Even though the clones are human, in their eyes, they are not. The humanocentrism effect caused them to consider the clones and their allies sub-human, or simply barbarians who wanted to destroy their own life. Or most plausibly, with no reason to back it up, but easy to understand, is that they might be the cause of why the Sirens returned.

And lastly; Even if they could use the help of the clone troopers and the droids, They wanted to be the ones running the war and dictate everything that they should do, despite the fact that they have no knowledge of how to wage interstellar warfare nor the true capabilities of the Sirens and merely insulted the sovereignty of the Alliance. Both Fordo and Ironhide knew how illogical and racist humanity can be, so they either rescue those who believe in their warning or let those who refuse to die.

The Alliance forces withdrew to Australia along with the entire Sensha-dō staff, students, leaders, practitioners, and their families. Acclamator ships started to land in Australia's major cities, where there are hundreds of thousands of refugees that are able to escape from the carnage, coming from over 193 countries. At the Siren headquarters, There was a debate on what they should do upon these unexpected developments as it would be one of the most controversial events of the war.

Siren Strategist: "General, The reports are clear; The armada who attacked us belong to humanity's resistance. They have sent every ship that can fly to rescue the cowards in Australia."


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Lieutenant General Shinra: "Their morale must be all-time low to attempt such a desperate act. If we strike them quickly, We can shatter their only hope of salvation and start besieging Russia."


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