Chapter 11

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I stared at the metal ceiling for who knows how long. I didn't know if it was considered morning or if Knowhere had a morning. A part of me wondered if I slept at all. I knew I had opened my eyes but I didn't feel rested nor a sense of calmness that I usually felt once I woke up. Then again, sleep hasn't been the same for some time. Even though I was awake, I couldn't find myself able to move. It was as though a weight was on top of me, restricting me from doing anything. Even my breaths were shallow from the pressure. Even with the inability to move, I lacked the motivation to get up from the bed. So, I remained still, staring blankly at the ceiling that changed colors from blue to purple now and then from the lights that reflected into the room from the window. 

My body may have felt physically gratified but my mind and heart weren't. Did it feel wonderful to have some type of physical touch? Yes, it was but it was only temporary. My needs were satisfied but what of the emotional aspect? Was I supposed to feel something for Eros after tonight? Were we to pretend this never happened or would we take it lightheartedly? I didn't know what to think of the mess I put myself in.

The Warriors' Three, especially Fandral, were known to have their one-night engagements. Even Loki had moments of one-night wonders with whoever he had an interest in. Yet, they didn't seem emotionally conflicted after their late nights escapades. There were times they happily talked about their lovers and the connection they shared. Somehow, they made it almost romantic on a few occasions. Why wasn't it the same for me?

Tilting my head, I was able to have Eros in my peripheral vision. He was a handsome man. There was no denying that. His power confused me though. At first, I saw Loki even though I knew it was Eros. Even though Eros took the appearance of Loki, he didn't perform the same way. No, he couldn't replicate Loki's touch. The way my heart accelerated when Loki gazed into my eyes or when he wrapped his arms around me wasn't the same response when Eros was Loki.

"How did you do that?" I questioned him while he ran his fingers lazily along my arm.

"Do what?"

"You transformed into someone I knew..."

Eros placed his fingers on my chin and turned my head until I met his eyes. "I have an empathic gift. You see, I can make someone feel desire and pleasure beyond their wildest dreams. I can have them fall in love with me so much that they would do whatever I asked them just so they could win my affection. I can use my power to have you crave the person you want so much that you would see them and only them. I don't know who it is you craved, but I used my power to allow you to unleash your desires of the one you truly want. That's what you saw instead of me."

"So, you made me imagine him but you don't know who he is?"

"I don't know who he is or what he looks like. I can't replicate his actions or the way he speaks. Nor do I care to know. I don't like the idea of someone dreaming of someone else while they're with me but what can I do?" He shrugged, "It made it easier, didn't it?"

I turned my head away from him. "I don't know about that. I did see him but I knew it was you the whole time."

"And you said nothing? I would've thought you'd want to throw me out of Knowhere."

"It was tempting." I couldn't look at him while I spoke. "But I thought a distraction from the pain would help me."

"And did it?"

I sighed, rubbing my forehead softly. "No, it didn't."

We remained silent for a moment. I had nothing else to say to him and was very tempted to leave. What other reason would I need to stay? His hand glided along my waist until it rested on my hip. He pressed his chest against my back. "I could do more with this power if you wish," he murmured in my ear.

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