Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

After the events of Ultron, Thor was determined to discover who could be toying with the Infinity Stones. He knew that the Tesseract was left on Earth a long time ago by his father. He wasn't actually sure why it was left on Earth until this day. He heard a few different reasons why it was left behind. One claimed it was because Odin trusted those who worshiped Odin as a god would protect it for him. Another claimed it was lost on Earth during the war between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants. When it was found, the humans decided to hide it away until Odin returned. The final rumor Thor heard—which he knew his father would never admit if it was true or not—was that Odin forgot it when Odin brought Thor and Loki to Earth for the first time when they were children.

As for the Mind Stone, he did find it interesting that it was in Loki's scepter the whole time. He wished he could ask Loki if he knew about the Mind Stone being inside the scepter but unfortunately, Thor would never get that answer. Thor knew that Loki had someone show him the power of the Tesseract. It made Thor wonder if that friend of Loki's showed him the power of the Mind Stone too. Or perhaps, Loki was just a pawn. Thor didn't know the Mind Stone was in the scepter until he had the vision and connected the pieces. Thankfully, he knew that Vision would be able to protect and use the Mind Stone's knowledge for the greater good and not use it against Earth. Vision would protect the Mind Stone from any kind of threat.

Then, there was the Aether, which again, was hidden on Earth. Thor's grandfather was the one who ordered it to be hidden deep within Earth to make sure the Dark Elves didn't possess the power of it again. Unfortunately, with the Convergence and Jane's curiosity and need to find Thor, she was teleported to where the Aether was and the power was absorbed into her. Thor shuddered at the memories that surfaced from the time of the Convergence. Even before the Convergence, Thor hated rethinking what happened after he got back from his banishment. Thor dealt with his heart being conflicted between Ravenna and Jane.

Ravenna was someone he was told to marry ever since he was young. He was skeptical of marrying her at first because he wanted to have some bit of freedom before he had to take the throne. However, after spending centuries together, he did grow to love her and appreciate her natural beauty. She was smart, caring, a strong dedicated warrior, and she loved her home and the people just as much as him. He remembered how his stomach would feel a warm yet strange sensation every time he heard her laugh or how his day would seem brighter from her just entering the room. The first time they shared a kiss, he was scared that Ravenna would hear his heartbeat. It was beating faster than a hummingbird's wings. No matter what anyone said, he couldn't deny that he loved Ravenna or shared deep feelings for her. He would always have a soft spot for Ravenna due to their past and the future they could've had if it wasn't for Jane.

Thor knew that if he didn't meet Jane, he would be happily married to Ravenna and ruling alongside her. He would've seen her as the beautiful kind soul who was the right choice to be his queen. With her knowledge, compassion, and sensibility, he would've probably become a better man and king over time but the immaturity and yearning for action would always sway him. No matter how much she tried, Ravenna could never truly urge Thor to think more clearly. He would choose the aggressive alternatives instead of finding a peaceful approach.

It wasn't until Jane he learned to become mature. It wasn't until he was banished that he realized how much he was given and how little he gave back. When he was with Jane, Thor lost his abilities completely. He no longer had the weight of being the next ruler of Asgard on his shoulders. He was able to find out who he truly was. Many argued that Thor was simply just a man who focused on strength versus intelligence but when his strength was taken, he realized that he was truly intellectual. He didn't just have a brazen approach but there was also compassion. Jane didn't care that he was a prince or if he lost his powers. She saw Thor better than he knew himself. With the adventure of trying to find his true self without his powers, he was able to connect with a woman who had so much curiosity and bravery for someone who was mortal. It was a breath of fresh air to him. With him finding this new side of him, Thor realized that he was more than just a hothead who had urges to swing Mjölnir around.

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