Chapter 7: A taste of Reality

Comenzar desde el principio

"Stupid? What?" Hondou said, exasperated at the situation

Miss Chabashira had a sharp glint in her eyes as Hondou repeated her words like an idiot.

"Sit, Hondou. I'll explain it again." Miss Chabashira said in a strict tone as Hondou had a shock stricken face

"S-sae-chan sensei?" Hondou uttered as he slumped down into his seat, confused at the current situation

"Points were deposited. Without fail. The likelihood that this class was left out is very low. Do you understand?" Miss Chabashira said as most of the class was shocked and confused

"No, even if I say I do understand, we haven't received our points..." Hondou said, still not understanding our situation

"Hahaha, I see, it was like that, teacher. I've understood this riddle now." Kouenji said as he laughed

Putting his feet on the table, he pointed at Hondou with his self-important attitude.

"We didn't receive any points because we're in class D." Kouenji said as his deduction was very on point, albeit not exactly accurate

Our class most likely lost all of our points due to our poor behavior and the fact that we blew away all of our money

my mind went back to the seniors who knew that Sudo was a class D student, could it be that the school separated students based on attitude, potential and capability?

"Hah? What's that supposed to mean. They said we'd get 100,000 points every month..." Hondou said as i mentally faced palm

"I don't remember hearing that. Right Ayanokoji?" he said as he brought the attention to me

Hondou looked toward me and asked

"H-Hey! what does he mean!?" Hondou asked as I sighed

"I pointed it out on the first day, we weren't told that we would be given that many points every month, also the fact that Miss Chabashira said that we were judged on our merit. Miss Chabashira, I assume that the cameras present, among other reasons are for assessing us?" I asked, using the very words she used as she looked at me with a sadistic smile

"You would be correct in that assumption, if only this class would have bought the information, There might've been some hope for this batch of defects" Miss Chabashira said with a disappointed voice

At this revelation the class groaned and then Yamauchi got up from his seat

"Y-YOU KNEW!? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US!? HOW COULD YOU, YOU BASTARD!?" Yamauchi blew up on me as I shrugged

"I didn't have any proof and neither did any of you listened to me when I openly asked questions like that, it should've been a hint that was more than enough" I said as Yamauchi fell down onto his seat

"... Miss Chabashira, can I ask a question? I still don't understand."

Hirata raised his hand. Rather than being concerned about his own points, it looks like he's asking to help the worried students in the room. As expected of the class leader. He's taking the initiative again. Hopefully, this time he looks beyond the surface

"Please tell me why we how we lost our privilege's to get any points..." he asked as Miss Chabashira pulled out a note pad

"98 total absences and tardies. 391 incidences of talking or using cell phones in class. I counted every infraction. In this school, your class performance is reflected in the amount points received. As a result your behavior, the 100,000 points you could've gotten went down the drain. That's all that happened." Miss Chabashira explained as all students in the class felt guilty and looked down, knowing that they were the only one's to blame for their problem

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