Chapter 21

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It was 3:35 and we had the rest of the day free which meant a lot of catching up on McGonagall's homework.

We were extremely lucky that none of the other professors gave us any homework.

It'd been an hour or so when I'd begun to get a hang of the Transfiguration homework and suddenly it became a whole lot easier.

By 5:30 I was done with all the homework and I was extremely proud, especially when I noticed that none of the girls were done yet.

I, of course, being the darling I was helped them finish their work, leaving us all done with work by 6:00.

We left our dorm for the common room because Pansy remembered that Farley had said we'd be having some sort of Slytherin meeting.

When I entered the room, I noticed that there were already a few older students occupying the room.

I turned to one and spoke up, "When's the 'Slytherin Meeting'?"

She looked at me with a raised brow and responded not giving me much regard, "7:00-8:30"

I nod and move on not bothering to learn anything about the girl.

I found a comfy green beanbag and crashed into it.

I didn't have anything to do and I knew for a fact that the only way I was making it through the whole hour of boredom was sleeping.

I sat still for 1 minute. Then 2 minutes. Then 3...

I leaped out of the beanbag causing a few curious stares.

Yup. No. No way in hell, I was going to find something to do.

I grabbed a watch from my dorm and walked out of the Slytherin dungeons.

I needed something to do so I wandered around the dungeons.

I climbed upstairs and found the library.

For a brief moment, I wondered whether to enter or not but then I saw Hermione and instantly left.

I did not need to have a confrontation. The schedule said my only class with the Gryffindors would be on Friday.

I'd wait till then to attempt any sort of confrontation.

I suddenly no longer felt like wandering and began walking back to the dungeons.

When I got back to the dungeons I saw the common room seemed much more crowded.

I looked to watch and noticed the time it was already 6:50.

Somehow I'd managed to waste 50 minutes...

I looked around the room slightly upset that there were no longer any seats leaving me to sit on the ground.

I sat on the ground leaning against a sofa next to Paige.

The sofa was occupied by Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent.

I was currently seated in the space between Pansy and Daphne.

I watched as Farley entered the common room with two glass bowls and multiple sheets of paper.

She looked at us and grinned, "This. Is how we Slytherins pick a password for our dorms."

She picked up the paper sheets she'd brought in waved her wand and mumbled something under her breath.

As she did, the paper sheets tore up into multiple identical chits and floated around the room.

A chit landed in every Slytherin's hand.

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