Chapter 4

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That was the only thing filling my senses. 

I could feel it through every nerve of my body.

The colour drained from my features just as it did from my world.

I felt suffocated like I was being choked by the air itself.

My vision blurred, I couldn't be sure if it were from the tears I was hiding or from the fear overloading my senses.

I couldn't hear my own thoughts over the sound of my heartbeat.

It's sound drumming against my head like explosions threatening to blow me up.

I felt paralysed but everything in me was telling me to run.

I couldn't move no matter how much I wanted to.

My legs felt stiff.

Every nerve in my body was yelling at me to run to hide to do something absolutely anything.

I forced myself to breathe and began breathing heavily.

My muscles relaxed slightly but my head was still pounding with tears still threatening to spill.

I was twitching and my breaths were shuttering but I managed to take a step backward.

Suddenly it was like I'd forgotten where the room's exits were.

I felt trapped.

I'd always felt this feeling in small amounts in the dorms.

There were few exits in the academy.

But right now it felt a thousand times worse.

Everything in me was telling me I needed to leave but I just couldn't. I felt paralysed.

"Is everything alright?" Said the woman. She wore a face of worry but I knew better she was an incredible actor.

My pupils dilated at the sound of her voice.

I twitched slightly at this and then suddenly I saw red.

She causes me pain and fear and worry for a whole week, ruins the best day of my life, sends me letters when it's clear I don't plan on humoring her outrageously imaginative kidnapping method, and then has the nerve to arrive at my academy uninvited when it was clear I wasn't interested, and then questions if everything is alright?! What was wrong with her?!

All the fear I'd been feeling vanished being replaced instantly with anger.

My heart was now beating with anger flowing through my blood.

I didn't think it was possible but the beating was now faster. My breathing was now less strained and much more furious and frustrated.

I was still twitching but this time it was from control. I was struggling to stop myself from slapping the woman in front of me.

Then out of nowhere as if she could read my thoughts her look darkens as though she were getting pissed.

As much as I'd hate to admit it I shivered at the thought

"Er- so, I presume you've read the letter? Do you have any questions?" She says looking at me gently the worry still evident on her features.

But beneath it almost as if it were from my imagination she had this darkness in her eyes. I didn't want her to win this so I decided to let my anger be seen.

"Yes. Why are you targeting me? I'm sure there are much more rewarding, much more compliant people to attempt kidnapping." I say a dark look in my eyes almost a thousand times darker than the one I'd seen in her eyes earlier.

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