"I am not. He is" I point at the guy who stole my water bottle.
"Shub?" This handsome guy turns his attention to shub now and the latter one just shrugs.
"Devdutt, we are sorry. We are just leaving"
Tara, apologising to them, makes me snap.
"We haven't done anything wrong"
I scream but Tara drags me out.

I could see Devdutt and Shubman laughing, occupying their 'thrones'.
Oh my god! Three more years with them.

"Saakshi!" Tara starts telling me all their actions since last year as in since the year they started learning hear and from what I have heard, I must say, it's not looking good for me.

How would you describe your first week of college?
That's what mine seemed to be.

I am regretting getting into an argument with those elites on the first day.

From that day, there isn't a moment of peace.
They are everywhere. Specially, that captain.
When I go to class, come back, canteen, corridor. Everywhere.

"Are you listening, Saakshi?"
Lecturer's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, sir" I nod, confidently.

No. I am not listening but fake it till you make it, no?

"Okay then. I have my PhD exams in a week. So I am going to be resting. I assigned each of you a senior.
And he starts reading who he paired with.
He takes Shubman's name, pairing it with another girl. Oh Thankgod. Devdutt and Ishan to go and I can live my life in sukoon.

"Saakshi? Devdutt Padikkal"
I hear gasps and murmurs around the class. I stop breathing.
For everyone else, Devdutt Padikkal is a star. But I know he has a monster that he locks inside him.
Why the fuck did I have to get him?
That too with a condition that he has to help me?

"Your partners are already intimated of the same"
He says and with a smile on his face. He doesn't know he made it impossible for me to stay alive for the next week.


I have career to focus on. But no, all this lecturer want me to do is to teach certain junior who I hate.

Has she done particularly something to make me hate her? Nope.
But some people have irritating and annoying faces and presence.
I hate her. She annoys the shit out of me. Damn it.

And I have to spend another week with her? Oh god!

"She is here"
Ishan starts taunting me.
"Saakshi" Shubman calls her.
They were irritated with her, at first, as well. But looking at my weird fixation, they decided it's because I am obsessed with her, that I irritate her.

She is frowning.
And her mood swings.
One day, I see her, smiling and laughing. Next day, she sits in canteen like the entire earth is wiped off.

Nope. Cannot deal with this.

"I am not teaching you anything. There is library and phone." I declare. There is no way in hell I start dealing with her.
"But-" she starts talking but when I cut her a glare, she stops.
"But?" I know I am irritated. She gets on my nerves.
What did I say? It's her face.
"But-" she says, gritting her teeth.
"It's a hard one and very important one" she adds.
"I know. Do it yourself. Or, did you leave your self respect? Will you beg?"

She glares. Ah! There it is. Her signature glare.
This! This does something to me and I will be damned if I give into whatever this is.

She walks away.

"That was meaner than usual" Ishan says as if I don't know.
Income tax is one of the toughest subjects we read.
"She is a bright one" shubman comments.
I know that, as well.
As if these idiots would know her better than I do.
It's been a week but I did my homework.
I hate that I cannot look at her like I want to.
I hate that she doesn't look at me but me? All I can do when she is around her is look at her.
I hate that she consumes my mind.
I hate that she is not just similar to rest of all. I hate that she never hesitates to speak her mind.

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