I slowed to a stop in front of her apartment building and parked, grabbing the flowers and hopped out. I smoothed my suit down as I made my way to her apartment. I got to the door and cleared my throat, trying to calm my nerves. I shook my head and took a breath before knocking.

I smiled when I heard bustling and yelling from Nick – I assumed she had invited him over to get ready. I waited for a beat and my stomach flipped when the door opened. My heart started to pick up as she smiled up at me.

She was in a tight, dark blue dress that showcased my favorite parts of her. Her shoulders were exposed, and her curls tumbled over them. Her makeup was dark and pretty, and her lips were a pretty plum color. I beamed down at her and handed her the bouquet of flowers.

"Sunflowers for my sunshine," I flirted, stepping in and getting close to her. Her face flushed, and her mouth twisted into a smile.

"You're so corny," she sniped as she took the flowers from me. I grinned when I realized she had done exactly what I knew she would do. I got close to her face and glanced up at Nick.

"Nick – if you wouldn't mind looking away, I'm going to kiss my girlfriend," I quipped. Nick raised his eyebrow.

"I'll watch," he replied.

"Turn away, Nick!" Elle snapped. I grinned, realizing that she wanted to kiss me.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, wrapping an arm around her back and pulling her tight to me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me harder. I pulled back and grinned at her.

"You look fucking fantastic, sweet pea," I complimented, kissing her forehead. She grinned up at me.

"Thank you," she said shyly. "You...well, you, you know."

I felt my heart swell. She was trying to compliment me. I watched her as her face twisted, and she let out one of her frustrated squawks. She glared up at me.

"You, you...you look very nice," she finally said. I grinned wider and tucked a curl behind her ear.

"Thank you, Belle," I replied. She let out a sigh of relief and pressed her face into my chest. I winked at Nick as he smiled at us and kissed the top of her head.

"Well, I'm going to go see my boyfriend," Nick announced as he pulled his coat on and walked by us. He stopped as he got to the door and grinned. "You two are a very pretty couple."

With that, Nick traipsed out, closing the door behind him. I looked back at Elle, grinning maniacally. She smiled sweetly.

"Hi," she said awkwardly. I kissed her nose.

"Hi," I replied. "You excited for our date?"

She nodded tightly. I kissed her again.

"You...I really do like your suit," she said quietly. I smiled and pressed my forehead to hers.

"Look at you with all of this sharing," I teased. She blushed but smiled.

"I'm trying," she replied. I felt my heart catch.

"I know. You're doing a good job," I encouraged. She smiled brightly. I nodded down at the flowers. "Want to get these in water?"

She nodded and I dropped her, watching her as she bustled around. She was in one of her grooves where she was a force of nature, capable of doing anything. She situated the flowers and looked at me.

"Stare much?" she sniped. I grinned, and she blushed, realizing she had been harsh with me.

"God, I am obsessed with you," I announced. She flushed and looked down at her feet. "What's wrong, sweet pea?"

The Tree RemembersWhere stories live. Discover now