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I slowly blinked my eyes open and tried to get a bearing on my surroundings. I was confused by the wood paneling on the walls, peeling band posters, and the scattered clothes on the floor. I groaned when I saw the shrine dedicated to Eddie's most prize possession – his guitar. I smelled the normal smells of whenever Eddie made me breakfast mingling with his cologne and shampoo that was embedded in the pillows around me.

I sat up and took a deep breath as my head started spinning. I rubbed my face and realized I felt lonely like I had the last couple of mornings. I looked for Eddie in the bed and was disappointed when he wasn't there. I tried to piece together last night.

I remember getting to the party. I remember Nick practically feeding me shots. I remember being touchy with Eddie – and in public, no less, God, I was embarrassing. I wanted to go home...Eddie convinced me to stay with him because of how far of a walk it would be. We got back here, he let me borrow his clothes...but I couldn't remember getting into bed.

I heard some music come on and Eddie's distinctive laugh.

"Old man – my girl is still asleep. Turn it down!" he ordered. Eddie was calling me his girl?

"And I want to meet her!" a voice replied.

I felt a wave of nerves and got up in spite of my headache. I crossed to Eddie's dresser and sighed when I saw myself in the mirror above it. I tried smoothing my hair and making myself more presentable. I quietly opened the door and stopped when I heard them talking.

"You can't embarrass me," Eddie insisted.

"Oh, nephew, I never would – you can manage that all on your own," the voice, who I now assumed was Wayne, said.

"Remind me why I even bother with you?" Eddie quipped. Wayne laughed.

"Good question. You've been so busy with this girl that you haven't even bothered with me."

"Trust me, she's much better and prettier company than you," Eddie retorted.

Had Eddie and I really been spending that much time together? I needed to get my head on straight. I took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway.

"Good morning!" I greeted, smiling as brightly as I could.

Eddie turned from the stove, shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants, and he beamed at me. He set the pan down on the stove and crossed to me, pulling me in his arms. I felt my body heat as he wrapped me tight in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"Morning, sweet pea – how did you sleep?" he asked. I felt my face bloom with color and shrugged, overtly aware of my body and his touch.

"Fine, I think," I croaked.

"I'm surprise you didn't pass out from the smell in there," Wayne said. I looked at him, smiling, now comfortable that we were teasing Eddie.

Wayne's face was gaunt and thin, but he still had a mirth and joyful glint in his eyes. I remembered that he was stockier in high school, and I assumed he would be gruff and hard on Eddie. He wasn't – in fact he was warm and kind and had a comforting presence.

"What did I say, old man?" Eddie exclaimed, throwing a rag at him and making Wayne laugh.

"Is it embarrassing you if it's just telling the truth?" Wayne teased. I laughed and leaned into Eddie in spite of myself.

"Yes, you geriatric jerk," Eddie replied, snaking an arm around my waist. Eddie looked down at me. "Belle, this is my Uncle Wayne."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Munson," I said. He grinned at me. When he smiled, the familial resemblance between him and Eddie was apparent.

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