This Kind of Happy

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"I don't think I recognize you when you're this happy," Nick teased as I brushed through my curls. I felt my face heat.

"I'm a happy person!" I sniped, glaring at him in my mirror. He leaned against the doorframe and smirked.

"Not this kind of happy," he quipped. "That mean, old Munson brings something out in you, girl."

"He's not mean," I replied quietly. I slicked on some lip gloss and went to my closet. He followed close behind.

"I can't believe little Ellie is going on a date with her nemesis," Nick sing-songed to me. I rolled my eyes.

"I regret inviting you over," I snapped. He waggled his eyebrows.

"I'm just so excited that you're done being ridiculous about all of this," he said. I couldn't fight the smile from creeping on my face.

After breakfast, Eddie had coaxed me back into bed with him one more time to "make up for lost time". He had sent Dustin away under the guise of needing to talk to me some more. We stayed curled up for a while, Eddie tracing the floral tattoos I had on my sides. I grinned up at him as he kissed my foreheads.

"I don't recognize you when you're this sugary," he said softly as he brushed my hair back. I pursed my lips and raised an eyebrow.

"If you keep talking about it all of the time, I'll go right back to being mean," I snapped. He smiled and pulled me close to him.

"There she is, my surly girl," he teased, making my face heat. He started peppering my face with kisses, making me giggle until I pulled him to my lips to kiss him. He smirked at me. "Are you excited for our date tonight?"

"You were being serious?" I asked, surprised. He furrowed his brows before kissing me softly.

"I told you I was going to take you on a fancy date when you finally agreed to go with me," he explained. He got close to my face, making my heart pound as he ghosted my lips. "So, you better dress up, sweet pea."

I had invited Nick over to come over while I got ready so I could update him, and he could not stop gushing about the fact that we had finally defined what was going on. He started sorting through my dresses with me.

"Do you know what you are going to wear?" Nick asked. My heart picked up and I swallowed hard.

"No, he said he wants to take me to Enzo's," I answered. He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, fancy girl!" he exclaimed. I felt my face heat.

"I don't know about that—"

"That's where Alan took me for our first date, and look at us now," Nick gushed. He grinned widely at me as he gestured to himself. "The very vision of domestic bliss."

I laughed and continued to sort through my dresses.

"Well, I'm very happy for you two," I retorted. He poked my side.

"Not even a snarky remark? Eddie has melted your once ice-cold insides to a warm, gooey center," he joked. I smiled and shrugged.

"Okay, okay, I get it, you asshole," I quipped. I found a navy dressed that I hadn't worn in front of Eddie yet. It was off-the-shoulder and tight, and I knew Eddie would like it. I shooed Nick out of my closet so I could change quickly.

I went to my mirror and took a deep breath as I smoothed the dress out. I watched myself in the mirror, studying my reflection carefully. The girl there seemed lighter and happier than she had been in a while. I tousled my curls, my nerves picking up. Was Ellie Fisher really going on a date with Eddie Munson?

I felt a wave of panic. Eddie had told me that he wanted to be with me. He had shown me he wanted to be with me. Why was I so nervous?

I realized that I was worried I was going to let Eddie down. That I would become Ellie in his eyes again, and he would suddenly wise up. I felt my eyes well with tears as my insecurities came down around me.

Eddie had changed – he wasn't the annoying shithead I used to know. He was kind, and patient, and funny. I was worried I was still that embarrassing Smellie Fisher. Had I changed enough for him? Was I enough for him?

"Elle! Come out here!" Nick called. I sighed heavily and shook my head before going out to him. His eyes widened when he saw me, and he grinned. "Well, aren't you a vision!"

I smiled and looked down at my feet.

" you think he'll like it?" I asked nervously. I looked back up at him and he was watching me kindly.

"Elle, in the time I have known that man, I have learned that you could wear a potato sack and he would think you were a supermodel," Nick insisted. I sighed heavily and shook my hands.

"He's stupid like that," I joked, making Nick laugh. I grinned and felt a little more at ease. Nick handed me a glass.

"A drink for the stupid boy's girlfriend," he teased.

I took the drink and had a sip – Nick always knew how to make my drinks perfectly. We chatted for a bit more, and my stomach dropped when there was a knock at my door. Nick's eyes lit up and he took my drink, trying to push me to the door.

"I need to check something," I said awkwardly, trying to sneak away to the bathroom. Nick grabbed my shoulders, pushing me to the door.

"Keep being brave!" Nick ordered, shoving me to the door.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, flashing a nervous smile. Eddie's eyes lit up and I felt my face bloom with color as he handed me a bouquet of sunflowers.

I felt like I was going to throw up.

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