Pick Your Poison

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I bounced my knee up and down, watching Gareth and Jeff as they worked on a new song. It was terrible – it was disappointing to learn that they had been unable to write a song in two years. I cleared my throat as I leaned back into my couch.

"What do you guys want to do tonight?" I asked, trying to sound vague. Jeff shrugged.

"Whatever, man," he replied, strumming his guitar. I sat a beat.

"Maybe...maybe we check out the Hideout? I haven't been there at night in a while," I suggested, looking around the room. I finally locked eyes with Gareth, and he was glaring at me. "What?"

"You're so transparent," he spat, rolling his eyes. I feigned confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Haven't been there at night in a while," Jeff mimicked, making my voice sound stupid. I narrowed my eyes.

"I haven't!"

"Oh, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the surly girl who hates you?" Gareth quipped. I couldn't help but smile at the memory of her.

"Not for long," I said, grinning wickedly. Gareth groaned and fell back into the couch.

"Dude, please – Elle did us a favor in letting us audition, and I don't need you to piss her off any more than you already have," he begged.

"I just want to grab a drink at our old stomping grounds!" I insisted.

I was absolutely lying. I was itching to lay my eyes on Elle again, and hopefully make her smile. She was so mean when we left the other day, intentionally saying goodbye to Jeff and Gareth but ignoring me. It made me even crazier for her.

I spent the next thirty minutes working my ass off to convince them to go back with me and they finally relented. I sprang up and ran to my room, ignoring their calls for me to stop. I slipped into my favorite black t-shirt (the one I always got the most attention in, and that girls always insisted I should let them touch my arms in) and sprayed the cologne I saved for special occasions. I looked in the mirror, fixing my chain and smoothing my hair. I winked at my reflection and trotted back out to my friends. Neither of them spoke, simply rolling their eyes. I followed them out of my trailer, and we all piled into Jeff's small, green car.

We finally pulled up to the bar and Jeff parked. We all got out and I stood, running my hands through my hair and looking around. I was surprised by the amount of people who were filing in. The Hideout used to be a dive bar that no one went to.

I followed my friends in and kept my head high and on a swivel, desperate to lay my eyes on Elle. We walked to the bar, weaving through the crowd. We finally got there, and the same bartender from the other day was there. His eyes widened at us, and he smiled.

"What can I get you boys?" he asked, pulling out glasses.

"Jack and coke," Gareth replied.

"Same," Jeff said. The bartender looked at me.

"I'll wait!" I replied. The bartender smiled wryly.

"She doesn't bartend nights – she's busy with the band," he explained. I felt my face flush but smiled.

"Then I'll take two whiskeys and her location," I quipped. Gareth groaned but the bartender laughed. He poured the drinks and handed them to me. He pointed past me.

"She's right there," he said. I turned to where he was pointing and burst into a smile.

She was arguing with who I assumed was the lead singer – he kept trying to grab at her and she shoved him, pointing to the stage. She was in a different black dress, looser on her body but I still could admire it. I cleared my throat and sauntered over, steeling myself for her anger but excited for it.

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