🔱 Cotillion night! 🔱

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Your outfit is at the top, hope you like it. If not feel free to change it:)
________________🔱 Tonight! 🔱_______________

Tonight is the night where the Vks have their party for Ben and Mal.

Mal was very nervous but knowing that her sister and her friends will be right beside her, she felt better.

Everyone was at the big boat, where the party was going on. The DJ blasted the music and some people danced beside him. Some people were having food or drinks and just talking to each other with huge smiles on her their faces.


Evie and Y/n were both on the red carpet and reporters and photographers, were taking pictures of Evie's and Y/n's dress and outfit.

"Evie, Y/n, you look beautiful!" A man shouted from the back, taking pictures of them as they posed for the cameras.

"Y/n, you look gorgeous!" Another photographer shouted, taking pictures of her.

"Thank you." Y/n smiled.

"Thank you so much." Evie smiled as well.

"Did you design the barrette?" A reporter asked Evie.

Now it was Evie's chance to tell them about Dizzy.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Evie asked, and the reporter nodded. Evie glanced over at Y/n, who smiled at her and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Uh, no, it's not my creation. Many of the hair accessories this evening are by a fabulous new designer, "Dizzy of the Isle."" Evie smiled through the camera.


Back on the Isle, Dizzy was watching the whole thing and heard her name from the TV, which made her gasp.

"That's me! I made that! Eeeee!" Dizzy squeals a bit too loudly, until she heard banging from the ceiling.

"Knock it off!" A voice yelled out.

"I'm sorry, Ganny." Dizzy apologized, and went back to the TV, squealing quietly.

Everyone was dancing and having the time of their life.

Carlos and Jane walked into the party boat and stood over on the side, watching everyone dance around, smiling.

"Jane!" A voice called out from behind them, and Fairy Godmother showed up between them, looking over at her daughter.

"There you are, my dear. Well, everything looks beautiful, my love." Fairy Godmother smiled, moving Jane's hair a bit. "But we just need to ladle out the punch before the sherbet melts." She and started to walk away.

"Mom," Jane called out to her, which Fairy Godmother turned around and glanced at Jane. "I have a date."

Fairy Godmother gaps. "A date? Really?" She looked, not noticing Carlos beside her, until she finally turned to Carlos. "Do you have a date, too?" She asked him.

Carlos smiles and glances over at Jane. "Yeah."

"Really?" Fairy Godmother smiled again, not getting the hint between them.

"...Mom..." Jane spoke and held onto Carlo's hands as he held hers. Both staring at each other, dreamily.

Fairy Godmother looks between the two, before it clicks in her head. "Bippity, boppity." She gaps in awe. "Oh!"

They both looked at each other deep in their eyes, like if they were getting lost in them.

Carlos smiled. "After you."

🔱My Cobra🔱 [Book 2]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat