33. T in Truth is Tears

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Sooraj's eyes widened upon hearing the story from Pooja.

Pooja: (looking down) "After this, I hated her so much. She was the reason for our breakup. I can't forgive her, ever."

Sooraj looked away and fell into deep thought. Pooja looked at him and smirked. She leaned closer towards him.

Pooja: (whispering) "Now, if Sanjana meets Karan again, and he confesses to her, she will go running back to him, forgetting all about you."

Sooraj: (glaring at her) "Stop talking rubbish! This will never happen!"

Sooraj moved back from her and turned around to leave only to find Sanjana standing at the entrance.

Sooraj: (surprised) "Sanjana?"

Sanjana, without saying anything, walked to Sooraj and wrapped her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly.

Sooraj: (confused) "Sanjana? What happened?"

Sanjana: (holding back her tears) "Sooraj, please get me out of here."

Sooraj did not ask anything and walked out of the house with Sanjana.

After coming to Sooraj's house, Sanjana lay on the bed curling into a ball for many hours. Sooraj was worried about her. She was neither speaking nor crying. She just stared at the wall in front of her.

Giving up on his patience, Sooraj came to sit beside Sanjana.

Sooraj: (placing a hand on her shoulder) "Sanjana? I'm worried about you. Did something happen with your mother? Did she scold you? You can share with me if you want."

Sanjana: (staring at the wall) "It would have been better if she had scolded me. Then I would have had a reason to cry. I want to cry but I can't even find a reason to cry. What should I cry for? Should I cry because my mother doesn't consider me as her daughter or should I cry because she hates me because I remind her of the mistake my dad made years ago? Or should I cry about the fact that the person whom I considered my mother all my life is not my mother?"

Her voice was devoid of any emotion.

Sooraj: (confused) "Sanjana what are you saying? Your words don't make any sense to me."

Sanjana got up and turned around to face Sooraj. Tears welled up in her eyes. Sanjana wrapped her hands around Sooraj's neck and started crying.

Sanjana: "S-Sooraj...w-what should I do? H-how should I face the t-truth?"

Sooraj: (patting her back) "Sanjana, calm down. Tell me what happened. Tell me the truth then I'll help you."

Sanjana released Sooraj and wiping her tears, told him everything her mother told her.

Sooraj's eyes widened listening to everything.

Sanjana: (breaking down into loud sobs) "She shouldn't have said anything. She should have just ignored me like she always had. Why? Why did it have to be me?"

Sooraj took her in his embrace and pecked her on her head.

Sooraj: "It's okay. Everything's okay. Truth can't be buried for a long time. You would have found out sooner or later."

Sanjana: "No! I never wanted to find it out. It's better to live with the lie. The truth hurts."

Sooraj: (stroking her head) "It's okay. Everything will be okay. I'm here. You're not alone."

Sanjana tightened her grip around Sooraj and broke down into loud sobs.

That night, Sanjana did not return home.

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