24. 'I believe in you.'

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It had been one hour since the test started. Sooraj completed his paper first and looked at Sanjana. She was still writing.

Teacher: (sitting at her desk) "Those who have completed their paper submit it and go outside."

Sooraj got up from his seat and submitting the paper went outside.

Sanjana looked at him exiting the room. Then she saw Pooja standing up from her seat. She looked at Sanjana and smirked. Submitting the paper, she went out of the class. Sanjana sighed looking at her unfinished paper.

Pooja came out of the class and saw Sooraj leaning against the wall beside the door.

Pooja: (coming beside him) "I see, you're good at studies too...my ideal type..."

Sooraj ignored her and looked back at the classroom towards Sanjana.

Pooja: (looking at Sanjana) "You shouldn't hang out with a loser like Sanjana."

Sooraj: (glaring at her) "I get to decide with whom I'll hang out. You don't have a say in that."

Pooja: (scoffing) "Why are you always talking to me like this?"

Sooraj: "Because I don't like you at all! So, stay away from me!"

Pooja: (through gritted teeth) "Are you rejecting me right now?"

Sooraj: (shrugging his shoulders) "So, you do have a brain to understand that."

Pooja: "Listen you- "

Sanjana: (coming out of the class) "Sooraj?"

Both Pooja and Sooraj turned towards her.

Sooraj: (taking Sanjana's hand) "Let's go to the cafeteria. It'll be lunchtime soon."

They were about to walk away when Pooja grabbed Sooraj's arm.

Pooja: (glaring at him) "I'm not done talking to you."

Sooraj: (glaring back) "But I don't have any interest in talking to you."

Sooraj walked away from there with Sanjana.

Sooraj and Sanjana were having lunch on the terrace.

Sanjana: (looking down) "You didn't ask about how my test was?"

Sooraj: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Sanjana: (shaking her head) "No..."

Sooraj: "Then, I guess I shouldn't ask."

Before school ended, the teacher came to the class to declare the results of the surprise test.

Teacher: (sighing) "Most of you didn't do well on the test. You need to study hard. Focus on your studies."

Pooja: (after getting the paper) "Shit! I made a silly mistake! I should've easily got full marks."

Teacher: "Go through your papers and see where you made mistakes."

Pooja: (raising her hand) "Ma'am?"

Teacher: (looking at her) "Yes, Pooja?"

Pooja: "Did anyone get full marks?"

Teacher: "Oh, yes! I think it was..."

Sooraj raised his hand.

Teacher: (looking at Sooraj) "Yes, it was Sooraj! He got full marks. Great work, Sooraj!"

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