32. Revelation

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Mom: (shouting) "Because you're not my daughter!"

Sanjana's breath hitched in her throat.

Sanjana: "W-what?"

Mom: (serious face) "Yes, you're not my daughter. You were a mistake that your father made when we got married and had a huge argument. He was drunk and was not in his right senses. He hid it all along, but 6 months after Pooja was born, we got you at our doorstep. There was a letter from the woman your father slept with. Your father was ready to accept you but I couldn't. I tried to forgive your father for his mistake and forget about that incident but your face always reminded me of it. That's why I hated you. I could never accept you as my daughter."

Sanjana was so shocked that she was unable to register the truth.

Sanjana: (wiping off her tears) "T-this can't be true, right?"

Mom: (disgusting look) "Do you think I'm lying to you? This is the disgusting truth of your birth! And when I saw you today in that position, you resembled your mother. She too must have put her hands on my husband. Like mother, like daughter! Just remember one thing, I'll never accept you as my daughter! You can never be my daughter!"

Sanjana shook her head with widened eyes.

'No this can't be the truth. I can't accept this. She is lying! No!'

Sanjana ran away from the room.

While Sanjana was talking with her mother, Sooraj waited in the kitchen leaning against the counter. Pooja came and stood beside her.

Pooja: "Sorry for ruining your romantic moment."

Sooraj ignored her as always.

Pooja: (pissed) "Sooraj Mehta, top student of B.H. Academy, quite popular around girls, but never dated anyone."

Sooraj looked at Pooja, hearing those words.

Pooja: (smirking) "Curious? I have my connections, you know."

Sooraj turned his face away not replying to her.

Pooja: "I know something else too."

Pooja came closer to Sooraj and whispered in his ear.

Pooja: "You love Sanjana, don't you?"

Sooraj glared at her.

Pooja: (shrugging her shoulders) "But it wasn't a secret, though. Because it's clear from your behavior around her. Anybody could guess it...except Sanjana."

Sooraj looked away trying to ignore her words.

Pooja: "I feel sorry for you. The person you love doesn't know about your love and...love someone else..."

Sooraj looked at Pooja with glaring eyes.

Pooja: "Oops! Did I hurt your feelings? But you probably know him, right? Karan Agnihotri...Sanjana's first love..."

Sooraj kept glaring at her and Pooja smirked at him.

Sooraj: (through gritted teeth) "That was in the past. Sanjana has moved on from him."

Pooja: (scoffing) "Are you serious? Okay, maybe she moved on from Karan but don't forget that Sanjana truly loved him. And...do you want to listen to a story?"

Sooraj: (sighing) "You'll tell it anyway so just get over with it."

Pooja smirked and started her story.

*Pooja's story*

Since Pooja was moving to Delhi with her family, she was sad about leaving Karan. But Karan reassured her that he did not mind being in a long-distance relationship.

My Life: Feeling of Love [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon