16: Raiko's Gambit

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Kira arrived, carrying Harumi with her. The Hyuga woman stared down at the three chunin piled on top of each other, "Are they okay?" Harumi asked, "You told me your husband wasn't going to harm anyone."

"Aicon wouldn't harm them unless they attacked first." Kira sighed, sitting on a branch with Harumi.

The pair watched as Raiko arrived. He looked down at his students before looking to Aicon.

"I'm not going to bother asking any questions," Raiko said, "I'm just going to kill you where you stand."

Before Aicon could respond, Raiko had already thrown six kunai and used Flying Raijin to teleport to each of them as they got close to his target, and with each teleportation, he dealt strikes that would have shattered the bones of any other opponent. With his final strike, he attacked with a Lightning Blade between Aicon's shoulders. Normally, his hand would have been driven straight through his opponent, but this time it was stopped before it could even pierce skin. Raiko then delivered a kick which fractured one of the bones in his own foot, to the back of Aicon's skull.

Raiko then backflipped away from Aicon as the silver haired man turned to face him. He drew his katana, it's black blade shimmering in the light filtering through the leaves, and channeled lightning into the blade. With each strike of Raiko's blade, the blue lightning crackled around it, striking Aicon's skin and the ground, burning the grass. Though the strikes were easily blocked by Aicon, he noted that his strikes were far more impressive than the orange haired girl's had been, and that she used an imitation of this man's fighting style. Where her strikes had been frenzied, Raiko's were calculated. Had Raiko been born a Saiyan, Aicon felt that this man would be a decent challenge.

"Why won't you die!?" Raiko yelled, striking again and again, faster than Azuki had.

Aicon, instead of responding to the question, continued blocking each of the strikes.

"You've injured my students," Raiko yelled again, louder this time, "and my daughter!"

Aicon then understood his rage, he had felt the same way long ago. His rage had pushed him to kill at that time, just as it pushed Raiko to do the same now.

Aicon raised his arms to block another strike, which came harder and faster than the last assault had. He vanished, reappearing behind Aicon and planting a paper bomb, before tossing a kunai and teleporting to it, throwing paper bombs around Aicon, which exploded when Raiko teleported one last time.

Raiko retreated a few steps after that attack before forming a few hand signs, and unleashing beams of lightning from his hands, a ninjutsu known as Lightning Circus. The beams hit Aicon with more precision than any of the green haired boys jutsu had, but as usual the attack had no effect on him.

In one final effort, Raiko began to gather energy in his left palm, and created a ball of bright white light. That same light began to spread through the veins in his palm and down his arm, moving rapidly down to his elbow. As he leveled his palm toward Aicon, he spoke.

"Storm release," He growled, "Destroyer Cannon!"

"Raiko," Harumi called out, "stop! You'll die!"

"Listen to your wife, this is senseless!" Aicon yelled.

Harumi had already left her perch as soon as she saw the ball of blue light, though she couldn't reach him in time.

The ball of blue light exploded into a beam which washed over Aicon. The light coming from the veins in Raiko's arm exploded outward, turning his left arm to ash from the elbow down as the beam of light surged forward. He stood there for a few moments, as he stared at Aicon, who was still standing from a blast which would have incinerated anyone else.

Raiko fell to the ground, his vision darkening. He felt Harumi grab his remaining hand and move herself to listen to his heart, which was still beating. The last thing he saw was Aicon grabbing Harumi's shoulder and pulling her away, before he finally fell into darkness.

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