15: VS Aicon

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Azuki's heart stopped for a moment as she stared at him, she could feel fear washing over her. Without realizing, she had stopped breathing.

"Were you the one responsible for that pillar of light?" Hiroto asked.

"Yes," Aicon smiled, "that was me."

"How," Kota began, "you don't have any chakra, so how could you possibly do that?"

"You see boy, I'm far more powerful than any of you." Aicon responded, staring at the green haired boy.

"We'll see about that!" Hiroto yelled as he pulled a demon wind shuriken from his back and threw it at Aicon.

The blades of the demon wind shuriken bounced harmlessly off his chest, and was caught with a single hand.

"I think you dropped this," Aicon said with a smirk, holding it up for Hiroto.

Hiroto yelled in anger, before charging toward Aicon, making Kota sigh as he joined Hiroto's attack. Hiroto was the first to strike, delivering a kick across Aicon's jaw, followed by a kick to his side from Kota. Hiroto threw a punch, landing it directly on Aicon's chin, and followed up with a knee to his gut, but Aicon didn't even flinch from the strikes.

Kota drew a kunai and threw it at Aicon, before jumping to a tree behind his target. He began to weave his seals to launch a Water Dragon Jutsu. The dragon-shaped water surged forward to where Aicon stood, but Aicon disappeared, and the water dragon flew toward Azuki, who was paralyzed with fear. Hiroto jumped in and grabbed her before throwing a kunai with his Flying Raijin mark and teleporting away with her.

Aicon appeared in front of Kota, who continued his assault, weaving hand sign after hand sign. The next ninjutsu he launched would be a Water Shark Bullet,  which washed over Aicon harmlessly, followed by a severing wave, which to Aicon had little more power than a child's water pistol, despite it cutting down two trees behind him. Kota took a step back as he weaved more hand signs, and once he finished, created a clone which lunged toward Aicon and created a sphere of water around him, the Water Prison Jutsu.

"Azuki," Hiroto yelled, "snap the hell out of it!"

She only stared past Hiroto, watching as a golden light grew around Aicon inside the sphere of water. She watched the aura grow brighter and brighter until the water prison exploded into drops of rain. When he emerged, he stood surrounded by a flaming golden aura, which dissipated within a few seconds.

Kota jumped back, and formed a few more hand signs, before casting his Water Shuriken Jutsu, throwing dozens of liquid blades at his target, those blades however would only splash harmlessly against his skin. In response, Aicon threw a single punch and the dark green haired boy fell to the ground.

Hiroto and Azuki could both see that Kota wasn't moving, and Aicon was slowly approaching them at a leisurely pace. Hiroto jumped back into action, putting on his demonic mask and drawing his black meteor blades. His attack started with a single shadow clone who used Fireball Jutsu, which washed over Aicon as Hiroto threw a kunai past him and used his Flying Raijin. Once Hiroto teleported, he used a second Fireball Jutsu directed at his opponent's back, resulting in an explosion of flames. Aicon however, was unfazed. Hiroto followed up his initial attack by having his clone throw shuriken imbued with flaming chakra at Aicon, while he struck from behind with his wakazashi and tanto. Aicon however walked away from Hiroto as the blades all reflected harmlessly off of his body, and plunged his hand through the shadow clone's chest. Hiroto continued his assault, striking at Aicon uselessly.

From a single sweeping kick to his legs, Hiroto could feels his bones fracture, in an instant he was falling from an attack he hadn't even seen. He found himself laying on the ground with Aicon standing over him.

Aicon picked both of the boys up by their shirts and threw them to Azuki's feet, who stared up at him, her bright green eyes filled with a mixture of anger and terror. With a single hand sign, she formed ten shadow clones, who charged at Aicon and threw punches and kicks as hard as they could. She drew her black bladed katana, poured her chakra in and ignited it, before charging in, slashing at him fruitlessly with her flaming blade, as he simply dodged every single attack from her and her clones. She could see the grin on his lips, she knew he was taking none of this seriously, and she hated it. Her fury and speed grew with each missed slash. The burning golden aura she had seen when Aicon had emerged from the water prison began to form around his body again, and rapidly grew, destroying her shadow clones as it touched them, and once it hit her, the aura sent her flying back, her katana cut across the bridge of her nose when it dislodged itself from her hands.

She hit the ground hard, and the world turned to black. She could feel herself being picked up, carried and dropped onto something soft. Though she was mostly unconscious, she knew that the fight was over, and that death surely awaited.

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