13: A Secret Meeting

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The first to enter the cave was Bahiti, who recognized the place instantly. The Flying Raijin marks on the walls were enough to give it away. She had been here before, and her father had almost died here, all over a Hyuga girl. She was followed by Nobunaga, then Ayaka. Jin Sato was the last to enter the cave a few minutes later than the rest.

Aicon stood before them, a young blue haired girl at his side.

"Those of you gathered here," Aicon began, "my plan to build a new world is in motion, however first there will be blood."

At those words most of them took a step back, some of them reached for their weapons, all except Sato.

"Calm yourselves," Aicon sighed, "I will not spill your blood unless you force me to. What is coming, is a war. We will face an army commanded by a demon god, and we will win."

"A demon god?" Nobunaga asked, "I'm assuming you realize how ridiculous that sounds."

"I am aware of exactly how ridiculous it sounds," Aicon replied, "however, I do have proof."

He pulled a hologram projector from his pocket and placed it on the ground. From it, a three dimensional image of a man with pale gray skin and spiked up red hair. That man had blood red eyes, and long sharp black nails.

"This is Demigra," Aicon sighed, "the demon god."

"He doesn't look too impressive." Bahiti said, staring at the hologram. "I saw bigger men when I worked as a dancer."

"He has the power to destroy planets, and that's on the low end," Aicon stared at all of them, "he is a threat to all of space and time."

"How do you expect us to fight someone capable of destroying planets?" Came Ayaka's voice.

"I don't," Aicon said, looking to the hologram, "I will kill Demigra myself, you will simply deal with army."

"You'll fight a god," Nobunaga laughed, "you are either truly brave, or an arrogant fool."

"I am a bit weaker than him, but I will be able to defeat him."

"And what if you fail?" Ayaka asked, staring at Aicon through her black goggles.

"Then everyone dies, in every universe, while Demigra sweeps across them, wiping out everyone in an insane quest for power." Aicon sighed, "That's why I'm offering a place on a new world to those who side with me."

"A new world," Bahiti mused, "I'm in."

"Me too." Ayaka said, nodding slowly.

"You already know I'm joining you." Jim Sato said with a smile.

"You're all a bunch of suicidal fools," Nobunaga sighed, "count me in."

Aicon smiled, putting his hand on the shoulder of the young girl who stood beside him, "I suppose I should introduce you to my adopted daughter then. This is Mizuki. I'll be asking you all to train her."

Mizuki stared up at her father, smiling a bit.

Convergence: Raiko and AzukiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat