4: The Calm Before...

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Once Azuki had gathered herself, she approached Raiko, who sat alone in his room. She knew he had seen that figure.

"Raiko," she called softly at his door, "can I come in?"

"Sure." He sighed, looking at her when she entered.

"Can I ask you something?" Her voice was quiet and soft, her tell showing through, "What was that thing?"

"I don't know," he looked away, "but the last time I saw someone floating above the village like that, everyone died."

She tilted her head slightly, watching Raiko. He was sitting on his bed, staring out the window. She stood there in the doorway until she heard a knock on the front door. She reluctantly left Raiko's room and slowly made her way through the house, passing by a picture hanging on the wall in the hallway. In that picture were Raiko and her father, along with Harumi and another girl she didn't recognize. The knock came again as she reached the door.

"Who's there?" Azuki asked.

"Harumi." Answered a sweet, soft voice, prompting Azuki to open the door for her, "Is everything alright Azuki?"

"I-," Azuki stuttered, "Im fine."

"Are you sure?" Harumi asked, stepping into the house and putting her hand on Azuki's cheek.

Azuki's body tensed in response, but she slowly relaxed, leaning her cheek into Harumi's palm.

"I'm just worried about da-" Azuki stuttered again, looking away from Harumi's pale pink eyes, "about Raiko."

Harumi slowly removed her hand from Azuki's cheek and walked to the kitchen, motioning for her to follow. Azuki obeyed and watched as Harumi placed a small basket on the table.

"Open it," Harumi said with a smile. Azuki obeyed again, opening the basket to reveal a pile of cookies inside. Harumi smiled at her, watching as the younger girl smiled a bit, "go ahead and eat, I baked them for you."

"Thank you." Azuki said with a smile, taking a cookie and eating it.

"I'm going to go see Raiko, just come on in if you need us, alright?"

Azuki nodded, watching Harumi walk down the hallway.

Convergence: Raiko and AzukiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt