The Pirates are Coming

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I grabbed Namis hand out of fear, and she turned around and gave me a sympathetic smile. "It will be okay Lani. We'll be fine." She tries to reassure me.

I held onto her hand until we finally reached her parents room. That's were a ships wheel was and we had to turn it to be able to leave.

Once we finally turned the wheel all the way, we could hear the butler coming so we all quickly hid, Usopp and I hid under a desk right across from Kaya and Nami.

"Usopp, I'm scared, I say quietly to him and he nods his head, "I am too Kailani, but don't worry. I think we will be fine." He says in his shaky voice. I nod my head and then cover my mouth as I could hear the butler slicing up every corner he could find.

I held my knees to my chest while covering my mouth with the other hand. I just stared directly straight where Usopp is, I felt that if I just looked straight I could pretend this wasn't real.

Just then I hear Nami and Kaya get out of their hiding spots and that causes me to look at Usopp in fear. We both looked at each other and knew we had to jump in too.

While the butler was preoccupied with the other two girls, I concentrated on a pipe burst and Usopp tried to get a slingshot to throw at the guy.

I got the pipe to burst causing the butler to get soaking wet while Usopp threw a rock at him causing him to look over at us in amazement.

"Two more pathetic kids, how wonderful." He says as he super speeds to me slapping me across the face with his hand, but not his blade. This caused me to go flying to the ground.

"Kailani!" Nami calls out and I groan in pain from the impact.

Just as the butler was about to kill Kaya Luffy shows up out of nowhere and stretches himself to stop him from killing her.

"Do not touch my friends." He says as he then pulls his hand back to his regular shape. I look up and smile, I was happy that he was okay.

"You are annoyingly resilient." He says to Luffy and he gives him the most dirtiest look I've ever seen Luffy give anyone before.

"And you are going to pay for hurting my friends." He says as he then stretch's back to hit the butler but misses.

I quickly go with Nami and Kaya while we just watch the fight go down.

"Told you he would be okay." Nami says quietly to me and I blush. "I was just worried." I say to her and watch as our captain kicks the other captains ass.

Luffy finishes off the pirate in his signature last move and it causes him to fly out of the house.

"Sorry about your house Kaya." Luffy says as he offers his hand for her to grab, she smiles at him and accepts.

The rest of us get up on our owns and I couldn't help but to feel a hint of jealousy from that, but I just let it slide since I had no idea why I would be jealous.

"It's okay, It's old anyways." Kaya says in reply as she goes to stand next to Usopp.

Just then Zoro shows up and I was happy, everyone was okay!

"We should go, the marines know we're here already." Nami says as she looks outside, "we don't even have a ship, where are we supposed to go?" Luffy asks and we all stay silent until Kaya speaks up.

"You do have a ship." She says and it causes all of our faces to light up and even Usopp is smiling.


We all admire the ship with a goat as the tip. Luffy and I were standing right next to each other when he decided to go right next to Usopp.

"Come on grab your things. You're coming with us right!" Luffy asks him and he's completely speechless by it.

One With The Ocean ( One Piece Live action )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt