Tell No Tales

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The day started with Luffy showing me his drawing he worked on for our flag.

"It's cute." I say to Luffy not wanting to hurt his feelings on how crooked it was.

He smiled sweetly at me and asked everyone else their opinions.

"It's unique." Zoro says and I nod my head at him. He was right, it was very unique.


We arrived to Gecko island because Zoro broke the boat so we were slowly sinking. Once we set foot we tried to make up a plan.

"Alright the plan is to find the boat of our dreams." Luffy says as he looks at the three of us.

"Which one are we looking to take?" Nami asks as we all look at the different boats.

"You mean buy? We are not stealing." I say to Nami and Luffy nods his head in agreement. Nami and Zoro both roll their eyes.

"Nami, Zoro. We are not stealing from these people. I can go see if I can reason with any of them. Poor folks aren't that bad you know." I say to them and go to find a dealer.

Luffy following me closely behind while Zoro and Nami stay behind a little.

Luffy and I were looking around and Luffy stopped me, "Kailani, this is the one." He says as he quickly goes to touch the tip of the ship. It honestly looked so beautiful.

I nodded my head in approval.

"Looks like a catch." I say to him smiling. "Isn't she beautiful?" A guy says as he appears out of nowhere on the ship.

"She is." Luffy says and when I look over to him I noticed he was looking at me then we both quickly look away from eachother and I blush.

"I meant the ship.." the guy on the boat says causing Luffy to say quickly, "I did too. How much for it? This ship is perfect for us." He says to the guy.

That's when Zoro and Nami appear and did not look impressed.

Usopp wanted us to believe that he was the sales man for the ship. Even I wasn't buying it, only Luffy was.


"Wow, this place is amazing." Luffy says as we all look around the palace in aw.

"This reminds me of how segregated rich and poor people are." I say as I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah your island was pretty segregated. I'm sorry about that Kai." Zoro says in an attempt to make me feel better except he seemed more sarcastic then apologetic.

Once we got inside we were introduced as Usopps crew, which we just went along with since we wanted to take advantage of the resources.

"How many damn clothes does one girl need damn" I say as I look at all the different outfits that Kaya had.

"I hate rich people." I add as I jealously go through her clothes.

"What do you think of this?" Nami asks as she comes out of a pretty dress.

"You look great." I say, "you look like Nami." Luffy says. We both said it at the same time.

She rolls her eyes at Luffy, "thanks." She says to me and goes back to change.

"I think you should wear this." Luffy says to me as he tosses me a black dress.

"You think this would look good on me?" I ask him and bite the inside of my cheek.

"I think you would look good in anything." He says honestly, and I blush.

I go to change, and when I come out I did actually look really good in it.

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