1: Reality I yearned to escape

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Cold breezes seeped through the slightly ajar window, colliding with my skin like icy pinpricks.

The relentless morning alarm pierced the stillness, an insistent reminder of the day's obligations.

I jolted my body upright, disentangling myself from the comfort of my disheveled sheets. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I ran my hands through my tousled hair, attempting to shake off the drowsiness that clung to me.

There was no room for lethargy; it was time to face the day. I gaze out the window.

The rhythmic drumming of rain outside accompanied my hurried morning routine.

The room was small, dimly lit by the weak morning light seeping through the curtains. My refuge was a place filled with echoes of my dreams and the reality I yearned to escape.

An important class beckons, and I can't afford to miss it.

Grudgingly, I drag myself to the bathroom, trying to shake off the lingering drowsiness. The water splashing on my face jolts my senses, waking me up to the reality of the day. My reflection in the mirror stares back, a young man with a tough exterior, but beneath that exterior was a heart that knew pain and yearned for understanding.

Life had never been easy, and it seemed to only get tougher.

Once out of the shower, I toss on my usual attire-a black leather jacket, a symbol of rebellion, and a white shirt underneath. The black pants hugged my form, and the tattoos on my neck peeked out from the collar of my shirt like silent warriors waiting to tell their tale.

Each inked piece holds meaning, etched into my skin as a reminder of who I am, what I've overcome, and what I've yet to conquer.

My attire was a statement, a testament to my resistance against a society that judged based on appearances.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.

Outside my black bike waiting for me.

I swung my leg over the seat of my trusty black bike, the engine roaring to life as I ignited the ignition. The bike was an extension of myself, a beast that understood my need for speed and the thrill of the open road. Gripping the handles, I felt a surge of adrenaline, a brief escape from the mundane.

Arriving at the engineering college, I park my bike, feeling a sense of belonging amidst the concrete walls. My attire sets me apart, a statement of defiance against the norm. I'm greeted with loading glances from both boys and girls but I pay no heed. They see my outside body but they don't know the storms I've weathered or the battles I've fought.

As I step into the college, the familiarity of the hallways welcomes me.

In the lecture hall, I found my usual spot.

The worn-out chairs and the familiar scent of textbooks brought a sense of comfort. It was here that I spotted my three friends, Jake, Max, and Sarah, already settled in their seats.

"Look who decided to grace us with his presence. Fashionably late as always, Leo."

Jake quipped, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. He was the jokester of the group, always quick with a witty remark to lighten the mood.

Max chimed in, "Did you bring your rebel spirit to class today, Leo? We need some excitement in this place."

"Always ready to conquer the world, one equation at a time," I retorted with a smirk, taking my seat among them.

Sarah, the more sensible one among us, rolled her eyes but smiled, "Come on, guys. Let's focus on the lecture. Leo's here to absorb some knowledge, aren't you?"

I chuckled, nodding in agreement, "Of course, always hungry for knowledge. But a bit of excitement wouldn't hurt."

We settled into our banter, a routine that lightened the weight of academia. They were my comrades in this journey, each with their own dreams and struggles. Jake was aiming for a business empire, Max wanted to innovate in green energy, and Sarah had her sights set on humanitarian engineering.

As the professor delved into the lecture, we tried to pay attention, exchanging glances and subtle jokes. It was our way of making the best of the academic grind, finding moments of camaraderie amidst the textbooks and equations.

Time seemed to blur as the lecture progressed. Equations and theories floated in the air, mingling with stifled yawns and eager scribbling. The professor was engrossed in the world of engineering principles, his passion evident in the way he explained the concepts.

Amidst the sea of equations and mathematical notations, I caught a glimpse of Sarah's furrowed brow. She was deep in thought, grappling with a particularly challenging concept. I slid my notebook closer to her, subtly pointing out a crucial step that seemed to elude her.

Her eyes lit up with understanding, a silent 'thank you' exchanged through a smile. I smiled at her.

I could see the gears turning in Jake's mind as he raised his hand confidently, ready to take on any academic challenge. Max was scribbling furiously in his notebook, already lost in solving the problem.

I poured my heart and soul into creating this book, and your thoughts mean the world to me. Please take a moment to share your feedback and vote. Your support fuels my passion for storytelling.😍😍😍💗💗

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