Beat 9

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Harry gave her something after he kissed her hand. He leaned in close to her ear. 

"Your suit came in." He whispered. 

Gwen opened the package and saw a spider symbol. He let go of her hand and turned to leave. 

Gwen's heart raised. 

She turned around and sat down to eat. She looked at the girls who smirked. 

"I think he's better than Parker." 

"Is he your boyfriend?" 

"Was the Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn, aka the owner of Oscorp?" 

"Yes he is Harry, no he is not my boyfriend. He was dropping something off for me." Gwen said fast. 

"But Gwen... do you love him?" MJ asked blinking. 

"What?! I...— well—I don't know. There's no point. He's ill. Very." Gwen said softly. 

"Is he why you said no to Peter?" Emma asked calmly. 

"Parsley." Gwen said quietly. "But he's sick. So there's no point to opening up to him." 

Gwen said stabbing her quesadilla with a fork. She put the fork down not knowing why she even grabbed it in the first place. 

"He's sick? Like cancer?" 

"No, like Lupus." Gwen explained. 

"Isn't that incurable?" Kelsey asked. 

"Yeah it is." Gwen answered softly. 

"Oh wow... okay... what did he give you?" 

"Nothing important." Gwen said putting her hand on the package.

Harry walked out of the restaurant. He started to breathe heavily as he felt his body want to shut down. He grabbed a medicine from his pocket and swallowed it. 

He wasn't going back to the hospital. He didn't want to anymore. Harry had Lupus badly, unlike others. He couldn't live his life normally anymore, and was either in the hospital or trying   to stay alive. Actually, both.

He continued to walk more and even got by an ally way. He heard a familiar growl. 

The one from the park. 

Harry turned as the Lizard jumped out at him. He grabbed him and scratched the side of his face slowly. Harry yelled in pain and threw the best punch he could blow, but the lizard hit his head hard, knocking him out.

Harry opened his eyes, and had trouble standing up. He looked up at someone who was mixing a serum. 

Harry looked around. He was at Oscorp. He was in his father's restricted section. 

"Why are we in my fathers restricted room?" 

"Oh, well I broke in here. Names Peter Parker, and I need a favor." Peter said carefully. 

Harry stood up. "What do you want?" 

Peter turned. His right side of his face was covered in the green scales now. 

"We can help each other, or you die." 

"What do you mean by that?" Harry said softly. "Your dying and I'm being hunted. We can help each other live, if you leave Gwen Stacy out of your life." Peter said firmly.

"Or, I kill you right here right now." 

Harry looked at him. "What do you mean you're going to kill me? Over a girl?"

Peter sighed. "You took her from me. I can tell. Plus's, we all know you're currently on your way to death and everyone knows it including you." He said firmly. 

Harry looked at his shaking hands. "Okay, so?" 

"Leave Gwen out of your life and we both can help each other. You want a cure don't you?" Peter said softly. "You want to live."

Harry stood there, thinking carefully.  Of course he wanted to live. Of course he wanted his lupus to go away.

"No, I won't. This is wrong, and what makes you think Gwen would love someone who kills? I know her well Peter." Harry said calmly. 

 Harry looked at one of his father's inventions. It was a suit and glider that was never used. 

He looked at Peter, who's eyes were filled with guilt. "Harold, there's no turning back for me." 

"It's Harry." 

"Well Harry, you chose your path." 

Peter pulled out the serum and put it in a dart gun. "Harry this is the left over serum that made me this way, and this," he pulled out one of the spiders that had bitten Gwen. "This little guy kills one faster than a gun." Peter said looking up. 

"Peter, don't do this. I can help you, or try. I'm smarter than I look." 

"I don't care Osborn! You can't help me!"

Peter put the spider down and killed it. He then put the venom in the dart gun. He held it up at Harry. Harry's eyes fell on his father's desk. He ran over, opened a drawer, and grabbed a gun he knew his father kept. 

He held it up as his hands shook.

 Peter smiled. "You don't have the guts." Peter said coldly.

Harry shot.

He missed due to his shaking hand.

Peter smiled. "You do? But miss because of that illness." 

Peter shot next hitting Harry in the neck as the serum injected him quickly. 

Harry dropped the gun in his hands and threw it down the dart in his neck. He breathed heavily for a second, but nothing happened.

Harry then smiled and stood up. "It did nothing." 

Peter tilted his head watching Harry's vines turning a dark green. Harry felt his breath leave him and moved his neck around. 

He fell. 

"Time to announce the sorrowful death of Harold Osborn." Peter said. 

He turned into the Lizard and left. 

Harry looked up and yelled loudly. His heart pumped fast and he watched his skin turn a yellowish green. He yelled again but his yell was raspy. He looked up and crawled to the suit and glider he saw early.

 He looked at his hands as they were a yellowish green. He had longer nail, and green veins. He looked up afraid of what he actually looked like, but he kept pulling himself to the glider. 

He collapsed next to it. He looked up and breathed heavily and fast. 

If Gwen didn't show up, he would have to.

A Twisted Origin// A Spider Gwen Fanfic (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now