He decided to give Yoongi a call through the bluetooth of his car to let him know that he wouldn't need to come out to get him.

Yoongi answered the call rather quickly, his voice coming through the speakers of the car quite clearly.

"Hey, whats up?" he questioned, his voice cheering Seokjin up a little. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you won't need to come out to get Jeongguk" Seokjin begins talking.

"I'm on the way back but I have to drive past there, so i'll just get him as I'm going by" the elder of the two continues.

"No, it's okay, I'll go get him" Yoongi replies, more panicked sounding than a second ago.

"I'm already pulling in, we'll just talk to you when we get back to the house" Seokjin said lastly before hanging up and turning into the parking lot of the store.

Just like their other roommates, Seokjin had thought that when Jeongguk had told them he got a new job in a games store, that it would be video games and board games.

So of course he had been a little confused by the cutesy decorations out the front of the store.

Seokjin parked his car and turned it off. He sat in the seat for a few minutes, checking his phone before he unclipped the belt.

"Yoongi said he has been picking him up from inside, i better go in to get him just in case he's waiting for him instead" the carer said to himself before getting out of the car and locking it.

Seokjin pulled his phone out of his pocket because it started to vibrate. He checked to see that Yoongi was trying to call him again. He pocketed his phone, choosing to ignore Yoongi's call and continued on his way inside the building.

Upon entering the front doors of the game store, Seokjin had quickly noticed what type of games, or should he call it toy, store that he worked in. 

A lady had approached him with a smile on her face, "Hello, Is there anything I could help you with?" she greets friendly. Seokjin frowns towards her, "I'm here to pick up Jungkook" he answers back looking around for the said male.

"Ahh, you must be one of his roommates then. Bun is just with a customer at the moment but you're free to look around for the meantime" Seokjin's frown deepened as he looked at the woman. He remembered Jeongguk telling Yoongi the other morning to not call him that.

The woman had given him one more smile before she had taken off to greet someone else.

Seokjin decided to try find his younger roommate within the store. He walked through the isles, he could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket again.

Stopping on the spot as he had seen his beloved Jungkook walking out of one of the isles ahead, A pacifier in one hand and a bunny under his other arm. His eyes widened with excitement as he spoke with a child like tone.

"Really like this one, it's fluffy and soft" he spoke to the other little who did have wet eyes and a pacifier in her mouth. He handed her the bunny and smiled widely with his bunny like teeth on a cute display.

"Thank you Bun, I'm glad we bumped into you here, you're a big help" the carer had patted the boy on the head with affection.

Seokjin's caregiving instinct had kicked in and he moved forward to remove the ladie's hand from his head. Jungkook looked up at Seokjin with his doe eyes, the two adorable eyes quickly filling with tears.

Minghao happened to walk around the corner at the same time, Jeongguk's phone in hand with Yoongi's display name on the screen. Seokjin was fuming. So Yoongi had known about this but hadn't said anything to him about it, not even a hint of it.

"Give me the phone" Seokjin gestured towards the phone. Minghao did not protest and just went straight to the carer to hand over the younger's phone. "We'll talk about this when we get back home" Seokjin said instantly into the phone before hanging up the call and pocketing it as well.

Seokjin looked towards Jungkook, the boy's eyes filled with tears as his hand hide the pacifier behind his back. "Finish up here so we can go home" as mad as he was, he spoke to Jungkook with gentleness, he didn't want to upset him more when he was already in a little headspace.

Seokjin looked back to Minghao, "Stay with him, I'll be out the front when he is done" the carer said, his frown still set on his face, the softness he had with Jeongguk was gone when talking to anyone else.


a/n: hello again lovies,,,,

So i cant promise that i will be back to updating often, however i will try to when i do have time.

I appreciate everyones patience with me while im working a lot lately and trying to settle in a relationship with my potential partner.

I hope you like this chapter, and who do we think will find out next?

Also were you expecting it would be Jin this time? hehe

i truly have missed you all <3

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