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Jeongguk's classes had finished around lunch time and he still had a couple of hours before his first shift started.

So he caught the bus home and went straight up the staircase to his room so he could start getting ready early for his shift.

Jeongguk hadn't liked his job at first. He was bitter because after he had been registered with his new class his old job had let him go, since they didn't allow littles.

He also didn't like the idea of having one of the caregivers at his workplace always having an eye on him to make sure he is okay.

However, after the first time he had slipped during his first shift, due to stress, he realised that maybe it hadn't been so bad.

His work buddy was nice and they got along well together. He was definitely a good caregiver and even outside of his little state he was still nice to him.

He had quickly became one of Jeongguk's friends.

On top of that, Jeongguk got great discounts. He had only used it twice though, since starting at the place a year ago.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling today?" Minghao questions as Jeongguk steps into the crew room to put his work bag away.

"Like myself, for now" Jeongguk comments, the other male noticing that he is big for the time being.

"We got a new order of plushies in... They want us to get them on the shelves today" Hao said as he sat at the table with a container of food.

Jeongguk sighs, going into his bag to grab his paci out to put it into his pocket, the cap over the top of it to keep it clean.

"If i forget where it is" Jeongguk taps on the pocket to show Minghao where he put it. He has managed to forget that he had put it in his pocket during one shift and his work buddy did have to buy him one, due to the little's none stop crying over his lost paci.

"I'm sure you'll be right today buddy. I think you'll actually like the new plushies" the caregiver winks at Jeongguk, making the male slump a little.

He moved over to sit across from his friend as he waited for the time that his shift started.

"you gonna come over for another play date soon?" Minghao questions while eating his food, looking up at the male across from him.

Jeongguk shrugs his shoulders, he could squeeze something in. However, at the moment he wasn't fond on having any play dates, so it may be a while before he does plan something.

"Maybe, i haven't been feeling up to playing with anyone lately" Jeongguk pouts, looking down to a rubber band that was on the table in front of him.

He started to spin it around on the table. "That's okay, you have my number when you're feeling up to it" the other smiled at the little.

Jeongguk hummed and leaned forward onto the table now, resting his head against it.

They both sit there together afterwards, neither of them saying much else as Minghao continued to eat his food and Jeongguk just resting before he has to start working.

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