Apparition 17: The Final Mission

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Third Person's POV

"Senpai! Senpai!" Kou who was running behind Yashiro yelled at her to stop.

"Yashiro you don't need to find help anymore" Hanako kun floated fastly in front of her to stop her.

She stopped after watching the blond behind her with some little scratches on his body.
She was surprised and happy by watching him safe.

"Kou kun, Hanako kun you're fine there. Glad to see you both. Is Amane kun also fine? What happened to Tsukasa kun?" She started asking multiple questions to him, while he told her the whole thing happened in the bathroom.

"Damn... Are you both sure everything is fine Hanako kun?"

"Yes Senpai, if Amane kun never killed Tsukasa then Hanako kun never have been born and-" he was about to speak more, but Hanako stopped him in between.

"No, the work hasn't done yet. We still have to do some things" he said as he grabbed both of them closer to him in a circular way, and started to talking his own plan.

"I'm ready!" They both said at the same time and raised their hands.

"SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE THERE'S A DEAD BODY IN THE BATHROOM!" They both heard voice of a random child screaming loudly.

"Wait stop-" Yashiro tried to stop him, but after watching Amane kun near that body, he started saying his name.

"Amane kun killed his brother! He's a murderer" he started saying after watching Amane holding the knife covered in blood. That was really a strong proof.

"S-Senpai, if Amane becomes a prisoner and gets punishment of death then he will not become Hanako San. We should do something about it" Kou's hand was shivering in the thought of jail.

Suddenly they both stood in front of that kid.

"Hey kid, he didn't kill someone, that was self defense" Yashiro tried to tell him but that scared kid just wanted to leave the place immediately.

"YOU BOTH ARE ALSO INTO IT? PLEASE LEAVE ME, I WON'T TELL IT TO ANYONE..... The tears are coming through both ways...." He was crying and praying to both of them in fear of death.

He even did wet his pants
... In front of Yashiro.

"You know who killed him? He isn't someone of us or even Amane kun... He's someone fourth who rules this school" Yashiro's face slowly turned blue as she started redline a horror tale. It automatically made the atmosphere scary.

"Do you mean principal sir?"

"Nah boy, he's someone different from the human beings, Tsukasa kun was the one who broke the rules to meet him and see what happened" she added, adding more horror in the story.

"Please don't get forward- I can't listen it anymore-" his voice started trembling as his skin went pale.

"He won't do anything to you until you do the same with it. He's not a human, he's not even an animal" Yashiro spoke to him, which made him confused.



"Seventh of the Seven wonders of the school. The apparition who you shouldn't mess with. She's an normal looking girl with big eyes and bobcut. She wears a red short skirt and rules the apparition world" She told the whole rumour while Kou silently watched his Senpai performing the plan.

"S-She's a girl? Tsukasa was a beast. A girl can't kill him. You're lying for sure" that boy answered, but still with scared and trembled cover.

"I already told you she's not a human being. She's an apparition. Someone similar but still different from human beings. Tsukasa went to grant his wish to become strongest human being in the world by Hanako San, but due to the wrong process, he lost his own life. You haven't heard the rumor?" She asked, making a question mark on the head of that kid, he was just started to getting a little bit comfortable.

"N-Not yet"

"Have you heard the rumour? You haven't? Then I'll tell you one of them. This school has seven wonders. The most famous story is the seventh of the seven wonders.... Hanako San of the bathroom"

She was telling the rumour like a pro, just like how Aoi chan used to tell her.

"Yashiro is really god gifted. She's doing her job excellent" Hanako kun smiled at her.

"In the third stall in the girls' bathroom, on the third floor of the old building, lives Hanako-san , who grants a wish
to anyone who summons her.
But in exchange, she takes something precious from them.
To call her, knock three times.
Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?"

Yashiro told the rumour with a cold and scary voice.

The kid opened his eyes with a gulp.... But boom! Nobody was there!

"M-Maybe I should change my pants" he collected himself and left the area. It was noticeable that the rumour was spinning inside his mind.


Yashiro's POV

I, Kou kun, Hanako kun and Amane kun was running in the lobby to a specific place.

"Senpai, why you told him about Hanako? That was a secret between us" I stopped when he asked this question.

"Kou kun, that's a part of my work. I have to spread rumours which will keep a little bit terror but still will bring peace in school. So I just sowed seeds of the seventh of the seven wonders. Now, those rumours will grow and that's how Hanako kun will be there" I watched at Hanako kun after answering him, while he smiled at me in a very warm way.

I actually started feeling some unnatural but very warm feelings for Hanako kun more than his living self.
We feel his need when someone is about to leave us forever. And then we want him with us.

"Yashiro?..... YASHIRO!" He screamed while watching at me, as I gained consciousness.

"Well let's go where we were going. It's the next part of the plan"

"But where we're going Senpai? It's nighttime and most of the students are going to sleep"

"It doesn't matter, Tsuchigomori Sensei must be awaken right now. And here our next plan will take place" Yashiro answered, as Kou got a lightbulb on his head.

"This is the part of prophecy. If we don't go according to the plan then.... Amane and Yashiro won't complete together" Kou answered, while Hanako was watching how his living self was getting fooled by them.

"Hey kid, I'll punish you both when we'll reach to our time successfully" Hanako whispered is his ears as Kou did a creepy yet funny face.

"I'm doing this for you Hanako, so I'm helping you here, you shouldn't talk to me like this" he answered as he heard a voice.

"What are you doing here kids? It's time to go bed" it was Tsuchigomori Sensei, and watching him made them remember the next point of the plan.

To Be continued.....

To Be continued

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𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓛𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝓞𝓃 𝓐𝓈𝓉𝓇ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓊𝓉: Tbhk: Hananene/AmaneneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum