When I was Done Dying

Start from the beginning

"I know, silly, I'm just fantasizing. Imagine what life would be like if we did get to do this every day, huh? No coven, no rules..." Hunter stopped himself. He liked the Emperor's Coven, even if it was a lot of work and stress. Hunter was really successful, and Belos was, for the most part, happy with Hunter's hard work.

No, no, can't stay! The bird insisted, twittering from his spot atop Hunter's head.

"What's up with you tonight, little guy?"

Wrong, wrong, something's wrong!

Hunter heard is palisman, but couldn't understand what the little bird meant.


Hunter wasn't waking up. There was an empty pill bottle on the floor. The dots were connecting in Darius's mind, and instantly his tense arm muscles were pushing the boy onto his back.

The kid's body was limp against the mattress, and his breathing was getting more shallow by the minute. His entire body was pale, and very, very cold. Darius pressed an ear to Hunter's chest, and his stomach dropped when he barely heard a heartbeat.

Darius helped the limp teenager into a sitting position, hoping that the jarring motion would jar some kind of response. A small groan came out of the back of the boy's throat, and then he started gagging.

" Fuck, " Darius swore with panic. Quickly, he swooped the boy up and dumped him onto the bathroom floor in front of the toilet. Bile made an appearance not long after. A few half digested pills swirled around in the toilet bowl.

Hunter's eyelids fluttered briefly, and his fingers flinched uncoordinatedly. Darius wiped his face with a warm, wed rag in a continued attempt to elicit any kind of response. Much to the man's dismay, the kid's body stayed unresponsive. He held the boy's body in a sitting position, hoping that more medication could be expelled, but to no such luck. The time to act was beginning to fade. Darius had to move.

"So help me Titan, I will not let you kill yourself before I give you the rudest talking-to of your life, child!"


Hunter was starting to feel a little tired. The sunset was beautiful, but... it also looked as though it hadn't moved in forever. The colors in the sky were the same dazzling bright warm hues, but they too hadn't changed. Even the clouds dotting the sky hadn't moved with the breeze.

"Flap, do you wanna go back soon?" He asked his little bird.

Can't stay! Flapjack reminded him.

"I wish I could... I love spending time with you."

Flapjack looked so sad at that. Hunter felt sad, and perhaps a little ill too.

Flapjack sensed Hunter's wavering wellness, and chirped out another warning My boy is sick! He cannot stay!

Reprogrammed (Hunter Angst)Where stories live. Discover now