The Wonderings of the Past

Start from the beginning

His Brother nodded, "In case Wukong returns earlier than the end of the month." His eyes downcasted, not wishing to leave his Sister behind on her own.

Sensing his concern, Iron Fan clicked her teeth, "Save me your sympathies, Brother." She flicked her hair behind her shoulder, a fire in her eyes. "I have been on my own far longer than a measly month." She offered a rare smile, "In fact, I have a lot of preparations to busy myself with." She hadn't felt this inspired in a very long time.

Macaque watched as Iron Fan stood up, her movements fluid and graceful. He couldn't help but admire her strength and resilience. Despite all the hardships she had faced, she still stood tall and proud. Macaque smiled, feeling a sense of relief that his Sister was no longer burdened by the weight of hopelessness. He himself felt- lighter.

"I have never doubted your strength, Gongzhu," he said with a sense of pride, his words honest. Walking to the doors of the domain, Mihou adjusted his scarf to prepare for his journey back to the Mountain. Having reestablished his connection with Iron's Fan's shadow, it would be easy to return to her at a moment's notice. "If anything changes, let me know," he says.

"You do the same." She folded her arms. "You've always preferred to handle your business with that foolish King by yourself." Her cold gaze softened, if just a tad, "You needn't do that, though. Not after all he has done."

Macaque stood still for a moment, considering that. Perhaps she was right. This was no longer some quarrel between lovers that should be kept as a private affair. This was between enemies who had fought and subsequently killed the other now.

He had no reason to keep to himself on this anymore.

"I will let you know any updates as they happen." He says in a hushed tone.

As he slowly turned away from Iron Fan, Macaque could feel her eyes on him. Iron Fan's voice trembled as she called out behind him, "Mihou." When Macaque glanced at her over his shoulder, he saw a deep sadness in Gongzhu's eyes that managed to convey the weight of the world. She reached out towards him with one arm and softly said, "Be careful."

His throat tightened with emotion as he nodded to her. He would not be leaving his Sister behind on her own anymore. "Always."

He stepped and fell backward, dropping into the deep shadow cast behind him. For a moment, he felt as though the darkness had swallowed him up, but then the energy surged around him like a force of nature, lifting him up toward the top of Flower Fruit Mountain. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself standing in front of a magnificent waterfall cascading down from the rocky cliffs. Cautiously, he stepped forward and looked around to make sure nothing had changed since his last visit. His movements were less labored as he ventured inside, and a newfound sense of peace settled over his heart.

He had no plans for the evening as he gathered himself some fruit to eat. He barely sat down for a few seconds before a voice dampened his mood.

"You return."

He lowered the plum in his hands, scowling, "I do have things to attend to," he took a few steps, "Personal matters and things left behind after I died." Mihou tossed his scarf onto the hook, smoothing his hands over the new outfit his Sister had provided. It felt nice to get out of those bloody old rags that had clung to his body.

"Your attention should be on the search for the Monk."

Macaque snorted, turning to the key. He felt himself grinning, mocking the poor demon that could do nothing but speak and peer at their world from her prison. He felt in a good mood, which was something he didn't think he'd feel again.

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