Start from the beginning

"Price... let me go."

"You'll die if I do, kid." He said with an iron tone, he had already lost too many under his command.

Arrow chuckled, soon coughing as some blood spit up with it. "That's... what I hope for. Price, I know I never gained your trust. Just let me die as the last adversary. I did what I needed to do." His head shifted to the side as he struggled to keep his head upright. He reached up with his right hand, grabbing the butt and flicked it off the edge of the atrium they had fallen into.

"Katana won't forgive me, you still have a mission to live for." He glared at Arrow in the eyes as Arrow met his gaze.

"I had my dying man's wish, a cigarette..." He lifted his head up straight and tilted his head back as he coughed blood again, this time some began to fall from his lip and trail down his chin.

Price grabbed both of Arrow's shoulders. "Pull it together Sergeant! You have Claudia waiting for you!"

Arrow lowered his head, his breathing increasing as he struggled to keep his breath. "I... made my peace. I told her to move on, she never forgave me over Shepherd. I'm still a Shadow, Captain. I am... an enemy." He raised his head slightly as he reached out, gripping Price's collar and pulled him in. "Let me die so you won't have to raise your weapon again Captain." He released Price as Arrow's head fell to the side as the blood on his chin began to drip down onto his vest.

"No soldier!" Price shouted, "I'm not letting you die here! You're an American hero who helped kill the greatest terrorist, you repelled enemy attacks on your capital son!"

Arrow gasped, as he gurgled trying to catch more air as blood continued to fall from his mouth with intensity. Price gently pushed Arrow back against the wall, shushing him as he attempted to speak. "It's okay son." Arrow's breath recovered as the gurgling stopped. He still took deep wheezy breaths as he looked to Price again, this time his eyes half way shut.

"I'm... tired sir." He panted out as he opened his eyes again, this time looking at his cigarette carton. He reached for the pack with his left hand, attempting to grab a second one but couldn't reach it.

Price watched the man's intentions and closed his eyes as the wave of pain struck him, he soon collapsed next to Arrow as he also had lost a lot of blood. Arrow's heartbeat was heard thudding in his body as his eyes began to close. He reached out a final time for the carton before his eyes completely shut, his heartbeat continuing to slow down until he faded away into nothing.

Katana stood outside of what was their last hideout, a house in the US as she enjoyed the nice spring breeze as she closed her eyes. Price promised he'd contact them within the hour when the mission was over, knowing that old man he'd succeed. She had a big secret that she wanted to surprise Arrow with; she was pregnant with his child. She rubbed her belly as she began to think about the life the two could finally have. The door opened behind her as Roach stepped outside, closing the door behind him. Katana turned around, "Any news yet?"

"Nikolai reported to us a few minutes ago that Price's team was engaged." He placed his hand on the railing as he stepped down the porch stairs. "Nothing since."

Katana nodded as she turned her gaze back to the forest as the trees blew in the wind. "Yuri will make sure he survives."

"It's not just Yuri." Roach's statement caused Katana to turn around, puzzled.

Katana tilted her head slightly, "Who else is involved?"

"Arrow." Katana straightened her shoulders and head as she stared at Roach. Roach withdrew an envelope from his pocket as Katana shook her head.

A Shadow Company Tale SequelWhere stories live. Discover now