Battle of New York (Part 3)

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After finishing the massacre, Arrow looked over to his left and shouted, "Clear!"

Sandman turned to the team, "Arrow with me, let's move!" Arrow nodded as the pair rushed down the stairs and outside onto the street where the Stock Exchange sat across from the store. Sandman turned his head as three more Delta members approached their location, "Hold fire! Anvil team is approaching!" Their leader, Grizzly, slid over as the other two began firing on the exposed Russian positions. "Anybody hit?"

Grizzly shook his head, "We're good!"

"What's the sit-rep on mid-town?"

"The Russians have it locked down. They're kicking our ass and we can't get through!" Grizzly panted as Arrow joined the team in firing on the Russian forces who attempted to entrench themselves throughout the area, downing a few.

"Any word on air support?" Sandman asked as he continued to observe what was occurring in front of the groups.

"Still nothing, guidance systems are scrambled! We need to get that jammer down!"

"Then let's move, team!" Sandman rose from cover and began to cross the open ground as Arrow followed closely behind covering Sandman as he crossed the open ground. Truck immediately laid down suppressing fire as Grinch and Frost ran close behind Arrow. Arrow raised his rifle, spotting a Russian soldier and squeezed the trigger as the man stumbled into the doors behind him, leaving the lobby wide open. "Good shot Arrow, get inside the Stock Exchange!"

The two Delta teams rushed inside the building as Anvil team turned their backs to the door with Grizzly turning his head to Sandman, "We got the lobby secured, hit the trading floor and the jammer!"

"Roger that! Metal, let's roll!" Sandman pushed forward up the stairs with his team as Arrow moved to the rear in case Anvil's team was overrun. Truck took point and as he reached the top of the stairs, the trading floor was crawling with Russians as Truck raised his M4 and began squeezing off rounds.

"Contacts!" Arrow snapped around as he stood next to Truck behind one of the many office cubicles and began to fire upon any Russian that pushed forward, pinning many down allowing the other three to push forward and move around.

"Charge to contact, keep moving forward!" Frost shouted as she motioned for the two in the rear to move up. Arrow and Truck both nodded to each other and rushed forward as Arrow tapped Frost's shoulder and she nodded. The two pushed up as Grinch took up the position behind the group.

"Providing covering fire!" Truck and Sandman nodded and pushed right of Arrow and Frost, clearing out majority of the room as Arrow blinked, keeping his focus as best as he could while he had flashbacks of the Favela where Meat was killed. He shook his head slightly, telling himself he wouldn't lose Frost in the same manner.

Sandman continued to direct the battle as he turned to Grinch, "Keep up and stay together! Get up those stairs!"

Arrow nodded, taking point immediately and climbed up the ladder as the room was effectively empty. He slid his pistol out of his holster as he reached the top and spotted a Russian soldier immediately who turned to Arrow as Arrow squeezed the trigger rapidly, striking the soldier as he fell down groaning in pain. Arrow climbed off the ladder, reaching the top of the roof and unslung his SCAR-H as he held position for the rest of the team to reach his spot.

"Keep moving, the jamming system is on the roof!" He heard Sandman order as Frost climbed up, taking position next to him. She turned her gaze to him and nodded as Arrow nodded in response. He moved positions over to the wounded Russian and stared at the soldier in the eyes, he was a teenager at least. Probably early nineteen. He didn't feel any emotion as he raised the rifle and pulled the trigger as the round hit the teen in the neck, causing the soldier to fade away without a gurgle.

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