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A/N: Good morning guys! Sorry for the delays, work just killed what free time I had. Now, I have a question for you all and I want to know. Do we want Frost to stay with Arrow or do we want to reconcile Katana and Arrow's broken relation? Let me know down in the comments below!


The team left the city as the battle quickly ended with mass Russian surrenders, the drive was silent as everyone had their thoughts elsewhere. Arrow kept the convoy moving as he drove while Frost kept glancing out the window. Arrow was her savior and she was indebted to him, she also knew he carried a lot buried within him. She was definitely going to beat Katana for what she did to him. She turned to him as a question burned in her mind. "Would you accept her back?"

Arrow didn't hesitate. "Absolutely not."

Feather, sitting in the back with Lightning groaned. "Dude, can't we frag her?"

Lightning shook his head, "This ain't the Company anymore, Shepherd's dead and the rest are beyond scattered."

Frost stretched out her arms over her head as she glanced at Feather, "Besides, if anyone is going to kill her, it's going to be me."


Arrow shook his head, "No, Price is going to require every abled body operator until the war is over. We're all going to meet at a location he provides and get to work."

Frost turned her head, gazing out the window again. "Yeah." Her tone left off a bit as she became silent while Arrow focused on driving. A while later, the convoy pulled up to a C-130 with its engines running as a familiar sight stood at the end of ramp; Nikolai.

Arrow stepped out of the humvee and began ushering his soldiers on as Snow and Angel were ecstatic to see more surviving members. Frost stood by the humvees as she sadly looked at the tarmac as the others continued moving into the aircraft. Arrow turned around, spotting Frost looking dejected. He inhaled and began to close the distance in between the two. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Frost didn't meet his look. "I guess... this is where I say goodbye. Damnit, I was foolish for falling in love."

"What do you mean?"

She sobbed, chuckling right afterwards. "I guess you do have your dumb moments." She wiped her eyes, she finally met his gaze. "I'm not leaving with you Arrow, you're going back to the Task Force... and I have to stay here."

Arrow shook his head, "The old man worked it out with Sandman, you're assigned with me." He grabbed Frost's hands and pulled them to her chest. "You're able to leave with me Frost."

Frost glanced up at Arrow in shock. "Do you mean it?"

"I mean it, Dianne."

Frost quickly broke from the embrace and grabbed her gear and trotted off to the aircraft as Arrow followed behind. Nikolai nodded, smirking to Arrow as he patted his back. Once everyone was seated, the aircraft took off. Arrow and Frost kept together as the rest of the squad rested during the flight. Arrow continued to glance around, hoping this was the right move. He shook his head, his squad saved Angel and Snow and kept the pair safe, that was good enough for the old man. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep as Frost kept her head on his shoulder. He had her, it was good enough for a start.

The aircraft touched down and powered off as the group gathered their belongings and stepped outside with Arrow off first. He glanced up from the tarmac, spotting Roach, Soap, Price, and Ivy with their arms crossed waiting.

"Took you long enough Sergeant!" Soap called out as a grin broke.

Arrow chuckled as he immediately began to move over to the four, "Shouldn't you be resting, Scott man?" He stuck out his hand and Soap immediately shook it. "Good to see you alive sir."

"Great to see you too." Soap grinned as the two stepped back. Arrow locked eyes with Price.

"Old Man, the squad is gathered." Arrow straightened his shoulders as Price observed the squad. He nodded in approval.

"Good, let's get these wolves settled in." Price turned before two more voices called out to him. It was Snow and Angel, he didn't believe they were alive when Arrow said the pair were. He glanced at Arrow, knowing he put his life on the line to save these two. "Good work youngin. Just stop taking headshots." He chuckled as the group began to leave, leaving only Roach, Ivy, Arrow, and Frost behind.

Arrow turned his attention to Ivy, "Flora, great seeing you alive."

"Yeah you kept us busy. Getting my man shot, getting Soap stabbed." She began to berate him as Arrow glanced down to the ground. "Oh, it's a joke, Arrow. Cheer up, they're alive and you rescued more of us." She shifted her gaze to Frost, "This must be Frost!"

Frost's eyes widened a little in surprise, "I.. am. Who are you?"

"Flora Sinclair, I'm the medic for the team." She flashed a smile, "And you saved one of our team members in New York." She glanced at Arrow as Frost began to think how she did.

"Arrow carried himself, he was the one saving m-" Ivy cut her off.

"That's not what I mean. You gave him something to fight for." She smiled and hugged Frost, who warmed up to the sudden welcoming.

Arrow looked over to Roach, "Hanging in there bug?"

"As well as I can. Missed you brother." The two shook hands as Arrow was finally back.

"How's everything?"

"Soap and I are recovering, it's gonna take some time, but in another month or two we'll be back into the mix. Loyalists are fortifying the base while Yuri took the L for the team."

"He had to hook up, didn't he?"

Roach nodded. "Otherwise she would've fallen apart. She apparently regrets her actions and keeps thinking about you." Arrow's face contorted with emotions. Roach held up his hand, "We can't get rid of her Arrow, you know that. Hopefully she sees you and Frost together and gets the bigger picture she's done."

Arrow shook his head, "Not possible brother. I have a feeling she'll try something."

"Let her try, you're my man." Frost glared at Arrow as she overheard the two.

Ivy giggled, "Oh let the men talk. We know you're better for him."

Both Arrow and Roach turned their heads, seeing how close the two were getting. Arrow remarked to Roach while looking at Frost, "We're fucked, aren't we?"

Roach sighed, tilting his head up. "Yeah. Yeah we are."

"All Task Force members, re-group at the control center." Price's voice crackled through the radios of Ivy and Roach.

"That's our que, shall we go?" Everyone nodded to Roach as the group finally left the little airfield and made the walk to the now village that had grown.

A Shadow Company Tale SequelWhere stories live. Discover now