The Hunt for the Red Oscar

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The radio crackled under the suit. "In position."

"SDV Team Four, this is Metal Zero-One. Radio check in the blind, over."

The SEAL leader responded to Sandman's call. "Roger, Zero-One. We have you five-by-five. Phase line Echo secure. We have execute authority."

"We're one minute out."

"Copy that."

Grinch was grinning, "Just don't start the party without us."

"Almost through." Frost grunted as she pushed the gate forward as Sandman swam forward, grabbing his SDV and glided through the tunnel.

"Primary entry point is open, stay tight, easy to get separated down here." He turned his head as everyone followed except for Frost and Arrow.

Arrow was about to move when Frost stuck out her arm and glared at him, under the water and under the mask. Arrow couldn't tell what that look was about but she glanced away and proceeded forward to her SDV and caught up to the team. Confused, Arrow just shook his head and followed the group. Immediately Arrow's eyes fell on the tunnel where cars sat before the tunnel flooded as dead civilians floated throughout the tunnel and some were even stuck in their vehicles, indicating their sad demise.

Frost kept her eyes forward after spotting the floating bodies, keeping focused on Sandman. "Frost, careful." Arrow's voice warned her as a sudden foot kicked her, she jumped in surprise and glanced, spotting the owner, a woman, more precisely a teenager. Frost shuddered in horror as she closed her eyes and gently reached out, pushing the girl to the side as she pressed onwards. Arrow shook his head at the scene as he became numb to everything already.

Grinch shook his head, "Damn, think anyone got out?" He turned his head to Sandman.

Sandman kept his gaze straight ahead. "Nothing we can do for them now. Maintain two, nine, five degrees. 300 meters to link up."

"Metal Zero-One, got you on the tracker."

"Roger, approaching the rendezvous."

The group began following an underwater pipe as the SEAL leader turned his head slightly to Sandman. "Sub's on the move. Intercept window is closing fast."

"Roger that, lead the way."

"Watch your sonar. Russians are laying mines." The leader nonchalantly spoke as the Delta team blinked.

"Eyes on your sonar." Sandman tapped his sonar screen as a red dot immediately appeared on Frost's sonar.

"Mine!" She hissed as Arrow swerved in front of her, moving right.

"Go right, follow me." He spoke calmly as he guided the team, finally taking point as he followed another pipe, reaching the edge where Sandman's voice echoed.

"Power down. Here we go." Arrow nodded and powered his SDV down as the group touched the bottom of the floor as two torpedoes streaked through the water above. Arrow closed his eyes, they detected the group. However there wasn't an explosion like he was waiting for, the torpedoes streaked on by as the submarine powered directly over their position from behind.

The SEAL leader broke radio silence, "Target approaching. Oscar-Two, eight o'clock. Steady."

Arrow continued to stare at the beast as the ship's tailfin passed overhead. He snapped his head to Frost, "Go, go!" He waited as Frost powered up her SDV and guided herself to the tail as she reached the tail and carefully attached a mine to the submarine and dropped away, getting out of the blast zone. The SEAL team echoed they had placed their mine and were secure.

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