New Love and Meeting the Squad

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"You sure you don't want us to come?" Truck asked Frost and Arrow, as he had taken a liking to Arrow.

Arrow shook his head, a grin on his head. "Get some rest brother. Trust me, we'll be fine."

Truck frowned, shifting his jaw around. "Alright if you fuckin' run into any trouble though, you contact us and we'll be there."

Frost nodded, "Truck don't worry. I'll be okay." Truck nodded and saw the pair off as they drove in a humvee through the quieting streets of New York. Arrow kept his eyes on the road as the pair were off to rescue his squad and finally get them back into action. Frost shifted her gaze to Arrow before averting her gaze back to the road. "So what are we doing?"

"Rescuing my squad and getting them back to One Four One hands."

"Just us two?"

"Why not?"

Frost bit her lip, falling silent a bit as she realized she liked Arrow a lot but he was involved with another woman. She frowned and shook her head causing Arrow to notice. He glanced back to the road. "Hey... Frost?"

"Yeah?" She kept her eyes on the road.

"What did I do to piss you off?" Frost slammed on the brakes as Arrow smacked against the dashboard, grunting. "So, something serious. Got it."

Frost glared at Arrow as he leaned back in his seat. "I'm not pissed off because of you. I'm pissed off because of what you're doing to me and your actions!" She snapped as she began to expose her vulnerable side.

Arrow arched his eyebrow, "What are you talking about Frost?"

"I'm falling in love with you dammit, and you have another woman involved with you! How do I know I won't be your rebound?!" Frost continued to shout as her face turned crimson red.

Arrow blinked, "It's... not like that Frost." He held up his hands attempting to calm her down.

"Then who is this bitch?!" She growled as her eyes pierced into Arrow's soul.

Arrow paused as his face went from defense and innocence to anger and even rage. "You overheard, didn't you."

"No shit I overheard! Who is she?!"

"Claudia Gurrero, we call her Katana." He turned his head back to the dash as he lowered slightly into his seat. "She was Special Forces before the Task Force recruited her."

Frost blinked, she knew of Katana. "You were Claudia's boyfriend?" Her anger dissipated as the two had served together and even fought in a few battles before, essentially sisters. "What... happened?"

Arrow's fists clenched. "I joined Shadow Company and we became enemies. She chased down General Shepherd and I through the rivers, and I fired to keep up a guise but apparently to her, this showed I was the enemy." Arrow punched the dashboard, "I saved her fucking life by fighting my own commander that day when she was about to be executed!" He shouted as his voice rose even higher in intensity. "She then cuffs me on the helicopter and points a gun in my face because I was one of them to her!"

Frost sat back in silence as she listened to everything as Arrow continued, "Then she tortured me with our Loyalist comrades, beating me. Price ordered her to stop and as he was leaving the room, she told me to go kill myself Frost. My own fiancée told me to go kill myself because I was her enemy and she refused to see me as anything else." He narrowed his eyes as his tone dropped. "So when the firefight erupted, she left me behind to die. I escaped and when I tried to regain my own sanity, she pestered me more! She started to act as if she cared, when the hell did she ever care?!" Arrow's fists clenched up as tears formed in his eyes.

Frost's heart broke and shattered. She reached out and gently touched his shoulders. "I... have to thank her though for one thing."

Arrow turned his head to her, "And what's that?" He wiped his eyes, trying not to break down.

"She gave up a diamond, that stupid bitch led you straight to me." Frost closed the distance and immediately locked lips with Arrow, kissing him deeply, taking Arrow by complete surprise. She leaned back as she glanced at Arrow. "I want to be at your side, Arrow. Today you saved my life countless times and always took care of me. Might be... quick, but I don't care! I want you and I will do everything in my power to not tear you apart like she did!"

Arrow in return pulled Frost in for another hug, kissing her as he tightened his grip on her. "Thank you Frost." He began to sob, losing control of his emotions.

"Stop picking shitty women Arrow... but don't worry. I'll make sure she pays." Frost smirked as the two pulled away and continued driving. Moments later, with the two finally at peace, the two pulled up to an intersection where Russian soldiers littered the ground.

"Hold here." Arrow ordered as he ripped off his unit patches, slapping the Spade back on. He turned to Frost, "Follow my lead." Frost nodded, a little worriedly but she knew Arrow had her back.

Arrow stepped out of the humvee as did Frost when his radio crackled. "Disciple One-Two, confirm communications."

Arrow leaned over, "Disciple One-Two, confirmed." Immediately several soldiers emerged from hiding positions throughout the intersection. Arrow nodded to all his men as he pointed to the inside of a building, their command post. The lead soldier nodded and motioned for the pair to head inside.

Frost entered the room last, apart from the last Shadow soldier behind her who shut the door. Immediately Arrow removed his helmet and stretched out. "Evenin' boys!"

"Sup boss!" One of the others shouted as everyone removed their helmets and masks. "What's the news and who is she?"

Arrow gestured to Frost, "This is Frost. She's Delta."

The soldier narrowed his eyes, "Working with Delta now?"

Arrow shrugged. "Different times. Company's gone, but One Four One remains and I have a proposition- no, order."

The soldiers slowly stirred as Frost immediately felt dread. "One Four One? The Task Force is still kicking?"

"They're still alive!" Another voice shouted as two women came running from the upstairs room with another close behind trying to keep up. "Arrow!" Both shouted and rushed, hugging him tightly immediately. Frost narrowed her eyes with jealousy as her hand twitched. No one touched her man.

"Snow, Angel let him breathe!" The third female exclaimed as she looked at Arrow. Snow and Angel backed up as Arrow nodded to the third woman.

"Metal, good seeing you." He turned his head to the largest man in the room, his second in command. "We lose anyone, Iron?"

Ironsides shook his head, "We still have Feather, Lightning, and Rattle. Metal is here, the whole squad is here boss."

Arrow grinned, he turned his gaze to Frost, "Frost, this is my squad from the days of Shadow Company. Guys, this is my woman."

Everyone introduced themselves to Frost as the group began to get acquainted with the new situation as Snow tilted her head, "What happened to Katana?"

Arrow froze as Frost cleared her throat, "She told Arrow to kill himself and decided to fuck a Russian instead of begging for forgiveness." Arrow immediately realized he found himself a possessive woman. Mentally he kicked himself as he was screwed if he messed up at all.

Everyone shook their heads as Angel rubbed her eyes as Arrow recounted the story. Finally Ironsides glanced up at Arrow, "So when are we going to meet the rest of the team?"

Arrow pulled Frost closer to him, "We'll leave tomorrow once things have calmed down. We have transportation waiting, so we'll leave at dawn."

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