"It wasn't my decision, you're the one who made the move..." she argues back, a smile still clear on her face.

"Doesn't mean you had permission to take a photo of us! Even if you were in on it, it still means you were invading our privacy!"

I hear a small knock on the door behind me. I'm shocked still, hoping it's not who I think it is.

"Noah? Are you in here?" And I know the voice. And I know who it is. And I feel lightheaded, like I might drop to the floor any second.

There is another small knock.

"I know you're in here. Please, come out and talk to me."

I turn around slowly, expecting him to be looking at me, even though the door is closed.

I give one last look at Izzy, a mix of hatred, regret and, somehow, forgiveness. I walk over to the door and open it, and there he stands. Cody.

I walk out, closing the door behind me, feeling my face get hit again, but out of embarrassment this time.

We go back to the room where we slept, which was empty, thankfully. I close the door behind us.

We both sit down, one of us on each side of the couch, where we were supposed to be sleeping. I look him in the eyes, he looks me in my eyes. We hold eye contact for a few seconds until I put my head in my hands and I start apologizing and for some bizarre reason I feel like I can't breathe.

I can imagine the shock on Cody's face. This makes me feel even worse, and now I'm on the brink of tears, but I don't end up crying.

He comes to sit next to me and he takes my hand, squeezing it, attempting to comfort me. My other hand drops down by my side.

I stop speaking after a few minutes. I start to feel lightheaded again.

"It's not your fault, Noah..." he says, but I don't believe him.

"But it is–" I start, but he stops me.

"It's not, trust me..."

"No, you don't understand... It is my fault..."

He just looks at me, confused. I realize that I've said too much.

I start to prepare myself for the worst, when all of a sudden I'm being pulled in for a hug. It reminds me of last night's events, every single one, from when Izzy asked everybody about their love life to when I slept with Cody by my side.

I'm kind of confused, but I like it at the same time? I don't fight it, I let him hug me.

Once he let go of me, the door started to open, and in came Izzy. She comes over to me and hugs me too, probably without knowing that Cody had just hugged me a second ago.

"Oh Noah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that, I really shouldn't have..."

Behind her, standing in the doorway, was Eva, watching it all happen.

"I think he's had enough, you can let go of him now" Eva said, and Izzy let go of me.

But now I felt kind of dumb. I hoped that the others wouldn't end up knowing what happened last night, but they would, wouldn't they?

That picture is up on the group chat for everyone to see. It's too late now. I try to steady myself, calm myself. I stand up, Izzy right in my face.

"It's okay Izzy..."

"Are you sure?" Her facial expression is genuine, a bit sad, not something I would expect from her, even now.

"Yes, I'm sure."

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