014. fleur

437 19 5

. . .FLEUR

        louise got woken up by her alarm at six am, and even tough every part of her body was screaming at her to stay in bed, she got out and decided to go on a run.

paris was surprisingly active at six am, the streets were already busy, people everywhere.

choosing to live in paris wasn't a hard decision for louise, the first time she saw the city she immediately fell in love.

nearly everything about paris was beautiful, but in the morning there was a different feeling.

the soft beams of sunlight shining in between every block, tables and chairs being put out outside of café's.

louise was panting softly when she came back to her apartment. after an hour of running trough the streets she was tired and hungry.

so after she'd taken a shower louise exited her apartment again to walk over to the nearest bakery.

she pushed the door open and inhaled the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread.

"bonjour madame" louise greeted the woman behind the counter with a sweet smile, "bonjour, avec quoi puis-je vous aider?"

"une baguette et deux croissants, s'il vous plaît." the woman put louise's order into a paper bag, louise payed for it and left the bakery.

louise sat on the big couch in her living room with a book in her lap, her head shot up when she heard her doorbell ring.

there was no one that she could think of that could possibly be at her door, and she hadn't ordered any food either.

she pushed herself off of the couch and walked over to her front door. her eyes widened when she saw a man holding a bouquet.

"fleurs pour louise?" "oui.."

he handed louise the bouquet and walked away. the french woman hesitantly closed her door as she held the flowers in her hands.

she walked over to her kitchen table as she studied the flowers. it was a beautifully arranged bouquet.

louise got a vase out of one of her cupboards and filled it with water, placing the flowers in it.

just as she was about to put the vase on to her table, she noticed a small card attached to one of the flowers' stem.

je suis si fier de toi
— k.m.

she smiled and a warm, fuzzy feeling filled her heart. no one had ever done anything like this for her before. even if it was something as simple as getting her flowers, it meant a lot to louise.

for the first time in a while it felt like someone genuinely believed in her (apart from her friends.) it wasn't a familiar feeling, but it was definitely a feeling louise could get used to.

no matter what she did for the rest of the day louise couldn't help but sneak a look at the flowers a few times.

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