Office Romance (part 3)

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Narrator's POV

In the bustling office located in Seoul, where workdays were often filled with the hum of computers and the shuffling of paperwork, a new employee had just arrived. Her name was Pham Hanni, and she was introduced to the team by their dedicated manager, Kang Seulgi.

"Everyone, meet the new member of our team," Seulgi announced with a warm smile. "Hello everyone, my name is Pham Hanni. Nice to meet you all, and please guide me. Thank you," Hanni greeted her new colleagues with a friendly smile.

Seulgi, always the efficient leader, assigned Minji to take care of Hanni and show her the ropes. "Minji, please show Hanni around and help her get adjusted," Seulgi instructed.

Minji, a capable and friendly coworker, accepted the task with a nod. "Yes, boss," she replied.

Minji embarked on her mission to assist the new employee, guiding Hanni through the office like a tour guide, ensuring she knew where everything was. "Here's the break room, Hanni. Coffee's right there, and we have snacks in this cabinet," Minji stated.

They walk around the office. That is the supplies corner together with the photocopy machine," Minji said, pointing to the corner filled with shelves stacked with paper, pens, and office supplies. "And there is our beautiful meeting room," she continued, gesturing towards a well-furnished conference room with large windows overlooking the city.

As they walked, Minji couldn't help but blush as she remembered Haerin. "I wonder what is my baby doing at this moment," Minji thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted when Hanni noticed her flushed face.

"Why are you red? Are you okay?" Hanni asked with a concerned expression.

"Yes," Minji replied, trying to compose herself. "I just suddenly felt hot. Maybe the air conditioning is broken again," she said, fanning herself with her hand as they continued their tour of the office.

She patiently helped Hanni set up her computer, providing wifi password and answering any questions that arose.

Hanni: "Thanks for helping me, Minji. I'm not very tech-savvy, so this means a lot."

Minji: "No problem at all, Hanni. We're a team, and I'm here to support you."

Hanni has a cute smile and a friendly demeanor, which made her easy to work with.

However, as Minji and Hanni spent more time together, Haerin couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. You see, Minji and Haerin had a secret. They were more than just coworkers; they were girlfriends deeply in love.

Minji: "Now, let's set up your email. Do you have your credentials?"
Hanni: "Yes, here they are. But I might need some guidance."

Haerin despised the way Minji's smile seemed to light up Hanni's face and how Minji leaned in closely to help her with computer tasks.

Minji: "No worries, Hanni. I'll walk you through it step by step. First, let's open your email client..."

Minji continued to guide Hanni through the computer setup, patiently explaining each step. Hanni, in turn, listened attentively, grateful for Minji's support.

Hanni: "I'm really lucky to have you as my mentor, Minji. You're making this whole onboarding process much less intimidating."

Minji: "I'm glad to hear that, Hanni. We're all here to help each other succeed."

As they continued to work together, Haerin watched from a distance, her jealousy simmering beneath the surface. Minji's attention to Hanni seemed to be growing, and Haerin couldn't ignore the feeling of being sidelined.

Eventually, Minji finished helping Hanni set up her computer and smiled warmly.

Minji: "There you go, Hanni, all set up. If you ever have more questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask."

Hanni: "Thank you so much, Minji. You've been amazing."

Haerin's frustration reached its peak, and she decided to take a break to grab a bite to eat. Unbeknownst to her, Minji followed her into the break room, keenly aware of Haerin's grumpy demeanor.

Minji: "Hanni, I have to step away for a moment, but I'll be back to check on you. Enjoy exploring the system, okay?"

Hanni nodded, and Minji made her way to the break room, where Haerin was grabbing some snacks.

"Why are you upset?" Minji inquired, gently stopping Haerin in her tracks.

"I'm not," Haerin replied curtly, attempting to walk away.

Minji persisted, refusing to let the issue slide. "You've been rolling your eyes at me all day," she pointed out.

"I'm just in a bad mood," Haerin muttered, still avoiding eye contact.

Minji wouldn't give up. "Why? What's bothering you?" she asked sincerely.

"I don't want to talk about it," Haerin huffed, her frustration evident.

But Minji was determined to get to the bottom of Haerin's irritation. "We're not leaving this room until you tell me what's wrong," she declared firmly.

"Ugh, you're so annoying," Haerin grumbled, but she could see that Minji wasn't backing down.

As the words tumbled out, Haerin finally admitted, "It's you with that new girl. It's upsetting me."

Minji couldn't help but tease, "Oh, my baby is jealous. How cute."

Haerin blushed, feeling embarrassed about her admission. She pushed Minji's shoulder lightly. "No, I'm not. Get away from me!"

But Minji wasn't finished. She trapped Haerin against the counter, her voice taking on a seductive tone. "You're so cute when you're jealous, baby."

Haerin couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and attraction. "Stop it," she muttered, rolling her eyes again.

Minji leaned in closer. "I'm all yours, baby. You know it."

"Really? Can you prove it?" Haerin challenged.

Minji's gaze darkened. "Don't test me, baby."

Haerin decided to take matters into her own hands. She pushed Minji against the wall. Haerin's fingers gently traced Minji's jawline before she pressed her soft, trembling lips against Minji's. Their breaths synchronized, as Haerin lead the kiss with a seductive intensity. Their bodies pressed closer, a magnetic force drawing them into a passionate embrace. Both of them felt electric sensation run thoughtout their bodies as their kiss deepened. The world seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in each other.

"Fuck baby~" Minji moaned as Haerin's kisses left a trail on her neck. "Feels too good~" Haerin is sucking and bitting Minji's neck. The younger girl's tongue tracing the soft bites she left on her neck. "You love it. Hm?" Haerin said seductively as her hot breaths fans on Minji's neck.

"Yes... please continue baby~" Minji uttered in a hushed, panting voice.

Haerin whispered in Minji's ear, her voice dripping with desire, "Say it again. Who owns you?"


A/N: Haerin so hot🤭 Top Haerin?

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