After Ming Yue drank the hot milk, he sat in the living room for a while. He dug out the TV playback records for the popular TV series that Mrs. Deng loved to watch, and then pulled Lou Shijing to watch the TV series with him.

"By the way, I just saw some news on the Internet -" Ming Yue looked at the man beside him and asked, "Did you send Xu Yesheng to prison?"

Lou Shijing said truthfully: "Xu Yesheng had an entertainment city under his control. It was a small sales cave. It has crossed the line and It is not difficult to send him in. What's more, all the property of the Xu family has been repaid to Mingyou. Xu Yesheng can't afford to eat and sleep now, so I provide him with a place with food and lodging included, which can be regarded as my utmost kindness to him. "

"Are you responsible for Su's capital turnover problem?"

"Well, I let the media expose what Su Yanlin did to you. He is now in a difficult situation. The entire Su family is implicated because of him, and they can no longer stay at home or abroad."

Fierce fighting and dazzling special effects were displayed on the TV. Ming Yue stopped thinking about other things and started to follow the drama seriously.

Lou Shijing got up and went to the kitchen to wash a plate of grapes, carefully peeling them, and feed them into Ming Yue's mouth.

"This actor's acting skills are a bit weak." Ming Yue commented while eating grapes, "Sucha pity it has such a good script. If I was the investor, I would definitely blacklist him."

Lou Shijing laughed: "Okay, then I won't invest in his drama next time."

"Huh?" Ming Yue frowned, "Did you invest in this show?"


"When did you get involved in the entertainment industry?"

Lou Shijing said truthfully: "I know the actor's boss, and he wanted to support him. As soon as he won this popular IP two years ago, he pulled me to invest."

Ming Yue looked at him deeply, and suddenly moved closer to him: "If I entered the entertainment industry to save the Ming family, would Boss Lou invest in me?"


"Huh?" Lou Shijing held his chin and closed his eyes slightly: "I'm afraid you'll be eaten to the bone before you officially enter the entertainment industry."

Ming Yue frowned: "So, why don't you invest in me?"

The man's eyes suddenly became dark and deep, and emotions that had not appeared in them for a long time emerged again: "Do you think I will ignore you and let you resort to performing arts to support yourself?"

Ming Yue was slightly startled and even forgot to blink.

He heard the man's slightly smiling voice echoing in his ears: "What an idiot - it's getting late. Go back to your room and wash up before going to bed. Tomorrow, I have to pay New Year's greetings to my grandparents."

Now that the baby is getting older, when Ming Yue stands up straight and looks down, his abdomen has completely covered his toes, and squatting has become more and more difficult.

In addition to daily bathing, he also had to soak his feet to warm up his body, which not only promoted blood circulation in his lower limbs but also prevented swollen legs.

Lou Shijing took him back to the bedroom and put him on the bedside. After drying his hair, he told him, " Sleep quickly. I'm going to take a shower."

I got conceived after agreeing to marry my nemesis *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon