"You. I could you destroy that I and father have worked so hard for. I hate you and I am sorry for ever sleeping with you. Did you really think that father would let me marry someone like. Someone with no status or wealth. Do not make me laugh". She screams at him. Bao hanged his head at her words.
"Lady Wang". Lan Qiren said with so much disdain in his voice that both father and daughter looked at him.
"I am appalled at you and your father. Trying to trap my nephew have the both of you no shame. As a father you are despicable to encourage your daughter to sleep with this young man so she could get pregnant".
Both father and daughter could not say anything. Sect Leader Wang took his daughters hand and started to make way out of the hall. Bao followed behind.
"Why would such beautiful young lady do such a horrible thing? Trying to trap the second young master lan. Some people have no shame at all". Sect Leader Yao voiced his opinion but no one paid him any mind.
"I guess everyone can go to their rooms now. We still have a conference starting tomorrow. I hope you found everything to your liking". Wen Rouhan said and with that he stood up and left. The sect leaders, heirs and disciples also left.
The Lan, Nie, Boashan, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were the last to left.

"Who would've thought there would be so much drama before the conference even started. What else will happen during this seven day conference i wonder". A-Sang said thoughtfully.
"I do hope nothing A-Sang". Xichen said with a smile.
"I don't know what they were trying to achieve with their scam. Some people just don't have morals at all".
Mingjue spoke.
"Lan Zhan you are still so popular I see. I never thought that she would actually stoop so low than to say the pup is yours. I don't know if I should feel bad for her or not". Wei Ying said looking around the group.
"Some people will do anything to get what they want even if it means ruin someone else's life. Sad really".
Boashan said shaking her head.
"Enough of them. Did the two of you sort things out Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. Should I start to get the dowry ready or not". Qinghen-Jun said with a smile on his face. Everyone looked at them expectedly.
Wei Ying lifts his head and looked at Lan Zhan who gave him a soft and loving look.
"We did talk but I think we need more time before father prepare the dowry". Lan Zhan still looking at Wei Ying who gave him a nod telling him that he agrees.
"Well that is a good idea which I agree with. The two of you should not rush or make haste decisions". Lan Qiren said with a nod of head.
"Well look who is coming this way. I wonder what they want". A-Sang said as he nods with his head to the front which made them all look.
Sect Leader Jiang and his son made their way towards them. Upon reaching them they bowed and then the man spoke.

"Sect Leader Boashan this one would like to asked if you could unseal my lady's golden core please. Just so that she could heal faster. She is currently in severe pain and it would help lessen the pain. I would be forever be in debt with you if you should do it". He pleaded with his head still bowed.
"Fengmian now why would I do that? Please tell me. Your wife brought this upon herself when she opened her big mouth and talked all that nonsense. Why should I feel any form of remorse or sympathy for her or you for that matter. For years you have stood by and kept quiet when my daughter's name were smeared through the mud. You kept quiet when she thought that it her right to use zidian on my grandson. When he laid in his own blood and pain did you once asked her to stop. Did you once step up for A-Ying? Please do tell me how you have protected my grandson Fengmian". Boashan asked him.
"It is all your fault Wei Wuxian. Everything is your fault. Its because of you my mother is suffering right now. I hate you". Jiang Cheng screams his eyes filled with anger and hate as he unsheath his sword, pointing it at Wei Ying who looked at him with wide shock eyes.
"How is it Wei Ying's fault? He was not even there". Lan Zhan growled at the omega.
"Why shouldn't it be his fault? Tell me. Since father brought him to our sect. He did nothing but to cause trouble for us. He is nothing but a troublemaker. A street rat. He should've died with his parents". Jiang Cheng screams once again.
"A-Cheng please. Mind your words". Fengmian told his son.
"You were always jealous of me were you not. You could never be me or beat me no matter how hard you try. You and mother tried so hard to break me. To break my spirit but you never could. Yes I am a street rat and a troublemaker to that I admit. But you bringing my parents into this. They have been dead for years and still you and your pathetic and jealous mother can't leave them alone. I am tired of everyone blaming me for shit and I am tired of the likes of you". Wei Ying spat.
"You really think I am afraid of the likes of you Wei Wuxian. I will make you regret that you were ever born".
Jiang Cheng screams angrily.
By now their quarrel had attract people's attention.

"Jiang Wayin do you really think that you can beat me. Don't make me laugh. I can beat you with my eyes close". Wei Ying said with a laugh.
"Wei Wuxian you do think too highly of yourself. If you can why don't you. Or are just all talk and no action". The all ever pig face Jin Zixun said. Not that anyone asked for his opinion.
"Who asked you? Why do you get involved in things that does not concern you, but what would you expect from a Jin. Always putting their noses where it does not belong.  And just so you know. I have not forget what you had done to Wei Ying Jin Zixun. And as it seems that you like to be the center off attention. I Lan Wanji challenge you to a duel". Lan Zhan said his eyes blazing with anger as he looked at the other.
Jin Zixun took a step back. His eyes wide in fear and shock. This was not what he had expected.
"Jiang Wayin you so desperately want a piece of me than why not take your best shot. I will even be so kind to give you two days to think if you really want to me a street rat to beat you like the coward you are". Wei Ying gave him a smirk and then wink at him. Jiang Cheng were shaking with anger but he still nods his head agreeing. Lan Zhan were still looking at Jin Zixun waiting for a answer.
"Jin Zixun are you scared. You had a lot to say just now or did the cat got your tongue. I am waiting for your answer or are you scared?". Lan Zhan mocked him.
Jin Zixun looked at his uncle for an answer but all he did was shake his head telling him to except.
"I Jin Zixun except". He said with a unsure tone to his voice. Lan Zhan nods his head and took Wei Ying's hand. The group walked past them making their way to their rooms.


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