Flashback Lotus Pier

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Madam Yu was furious after the Lans left. Zidian sparkling on her wrist just showing how furious she really was.
" How dare they?". She all but screamed at her husband. " How dare they insult my son like that for a whore of a son. His just a son of a servant my son is the heir of the YunmengJiang sect. And you said nothing. You just let it happened". She said to her husband. Who sits with his face in his hands. " My lady I did not let anything happened as you stated. They had legally bound documents that I could not refute". He answered. Which was not the answer she was looking for and she made it known to him. Laughing mockingly she said.
" Legally bound. That promise was void the moment they died. They had no right to come here and make demands. A-Cheng deserves that honor not that thing". She said before she turns around and swept out of the room robes bellowing around her. Jiang Fengmian just sits their not knowing what to do. They've been looking for a match for their omega son but with his temper and attitude he don't know. Wei Ying was a valuable part of their sect. He could depend on him. He was good at training the disciples. He had always gave it his all. Instead of being glad that the boy was away from his wife's and sons abuse he wished that he was still here. He doesn't know where he will found another disciple like him.

Yanli stood outside her father's office door. She wanted to bring him some soup like she always does when he is having a hard day or had to sit through her mother's venomous words. But today is not the day. Today is not the day to pamper him. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door waiting for her father to give her permission to enter which didn't come long after the knock. She slide the door open and went inside. She bow in greeting and her father waves her over to sit. She sat down looked into her father's eyes before she speaks. " Father". She said to which her father answers. "Yes A-Ling what is on your mind". She took a deep breath. Her father watching her closely wondering what it is his daughter wants to talk about. " Father I would like to believe that you spend all those times looking for A-Xian because you cared about him and out of respect for his parents. I would like to believe that you would only wants to the best for just as you would for your own children. I would like to believe that you didn't bring A-Xian here for other reasons. That's what I would like to believe". She said. Her father looking at her with disbelief in his eyes and on his face. His daughter is calling him out. " Of course I did". He said. " Please father do not lie to me. I saw the look on your face when you learn that A-Xian was a beta and not a alpha. Were you thinking that if he was a alpha that you could marry him to A-Cheng. Which he would've done. Keeping him here standing by your sons side just like his father before him. You disgust me. I wish that I was never part of this family. Who brought a boy into this family just to watch him get beaten get insulted and not only him but his dead parents as well. You just let it happen. No let me correct myself we just let it happen. We stood by as Mother just do as she pleases as always. I hated myself for not being strong enough to have helped him. But you father. You turned a blind eye. You were indifference. He was a child who needed love, care, affection
attention. He just wanted to be excepted. Why would you search for a child when you had no intention of protecting him". Her scent flair going from a comforting lotus smell to a sour smell reeking of disgust and disappointment. Her father were red in the face from shame and anger.
" A-Ling you don't know what you're talking about". He said sternly but Yanli are past the point of caring what her father would think. " I know this. You will never get someone as loyal and dedicated as him. I know that I'm glad that the Lans took him away. Now he will get the love and care that he deserves unlike here. You don't even know when A-Xian lost his smile, his joy and his laughter. I saw I saw him pulling away from us, from this family each and every day. I just hope that some day I will get the chance to asked for his forgiveness. That I would get the chance to be in his life. Can you say the same father".
She said before she stood up and walked out. She had said what she wanted to say. Her betrothal is secure. She can't wait to get away from here. They are her family but they are all toxic. After she left her scent still sour and bitter kept hanging in the air for awhile longer. Her father left speechless in his office.

She walked towards her private pavilion sat down and asked one of her personal servants to get her some calming tea. She took deep breaths to center herself. Lord knows she would be first one to say that her brother deserves also happiness but not at the expense at the one person she also loves as her own brother. He had suffered enough at the expense of her own family. At the hands of her own mother who can't get over her jealousy and hate of a woman who had died years ago. Why would you take it out on a little boy. She miss him
but she's happy for him. Not long she sipped on her tea wondering maybe she should get away from here for awhile. Maybe going to jingling for a while. Her mind made up she continued enjoying her tea with some fresh snacks.

Jiang Cheng was angry as always nothing new there. His anger directed at the one person who isn't here anymore. He has been destroying training dummies since the Lans and that traitor and betrothal stealer left. 'He was suppose to be the one. His mother told him so. They would've had another alliance with a prominent sect and he just had to ruin it. So what if their parents made a promise. Promises are made to be broken. He saw is mother left with her two maids. Probably going on a night hunt. He just know his mother is just as angry. He doesn't know about his father. The man did care more about that son of a servant then him. He is the rightful sect heir and he deserves someone better and stronger. Why does he always have to steal everything away from'. He slashes another dummy. Panting heavily and leaning on the practice sword. Soon he will be getting his courtesy name and his spiritual sword. He took the sword back to the armery and went to his rooms.

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