Chapter 3

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They made their way back to the Cloud Recess. Once there they all went to the lanshi. Xichen started brewing tea while they wait for Lan Zhan who went to the healers to look at his arm. Wei Ying was a nervous wreck. He fidget with the hem of his robes his eyes never leaving his lap. What is going to happen now he wonders. He is glad that they took him away from that place. Does he have to do what they say or will he have a choice. He's a beta he can't give them heirs. Arg this is all so much. A few hours ago he wished for someone to take him away and then it happened. The gods must have heard him finally. But really what will he do if they decide that he was just a waste of their time. Mama and baba you made this decision for me I hope I don't disappoint you.

The three Lans watch him closely. They know they will have to prove to him that they intend to forfill the promises once made. But they also know that they can't force him or wanji to get married. They got a glimpse of how the boys life might have been in that place. And it's appalling. But they got him away from there that's the most important thing. Lan Zhan came back telling them that he will be fine. " Wei Ying I know this is confusing but we want you to know that we will not force you to do anything. We would love to make you a part of our sect if your interested. You and wanji can work on getting to know each other first. We want you to be happy. You've been through a lot with your time there and we have no intention to add more". Sect Leader Lan said.

" Thank you sect Leader I really appreciate you taking my feelings in consideration. I would love to get to know Lan Zhan. I didn't know what to expect but thanks for making it clear to me. It would be my honor to join your sect. I never was part of the YunmengJiang sect. I know that the sect Leader never put me on the register not as a ward or a disciple. So will I be joining the outer disciples. I can even teach the little ones I don't mind. I love working with children ".
Wei Ying said excitedly. The Lans looked at him confuse. Wei Ying thought that he may have said something wrong so he opened his mouth to say something when the sect Leader starts to talk again.

" Wei Ying I think  i should have been more clear. Even though we would love for you to join our sect. What I meant is not only will you join but you will also join our family. You will be my brother Lan Qirens ward. We did not bring you here to be a outer disciple. We brought you here to be a part of our family. You will be a Lan but you can decide if you will take our last name or keep your father's with us it doesn't matter. So what do you say. Will you expect us as your family because we already excepted you". Wei Ying could not believe his ears. They want him to be a part of their family, to become their family. Really the gods must be looking out for him.
" You really want me as part of your family. I except. And about the last name. I'm willing to become a Lan. My father and mother lives on in my heart. I don't think they would mind if I take another surname for my father's will always be a part of me in here". He puts his hand over his heart at that.
" I'm Xichen but you can call me Xichen - ge you already knows wanji. Welcome to the family". He said with a soft smile that Wei Ying immediately likes.

Lan Zhan had been listening to what his father said and he agree. He didn't know what to expect when he first met him but to see him so worried and caring after that hit from zidian made him realise something. One he didn't pull his arm back when Wei Ying grab it to see how bad it was. Second Wei Ying most definitely sees him as a person and not a block of ice.
Third Wei Ying actually looks at him and not pass him. He has a feeling Wei Ying would not mind that he doesn't talk alot. Fourth he and wei ying could definitely be friends. Wei Ying will be his first friend.
Wei Ying for the first time looks at the four Lans. At least he knows they don't expect to much from him. He likes Xichen-ge he is easy going and friendly. Their uncle hasn't said much as of yet so he doesn't know where to put him yet. The sect Leader is very straight forward that means he doesn't take nonsense. He glance at Lan Zhan who is sipping his tea very slowly. He doesn't know what to think of him as of yet. He looks like he is very quiet. Not a bad thing exactly. He wonder what kind of alpha he is. One thing Wei Ying can say is that Lan Zhan is very beautiful. Those golden honey eyes to die for. He wants to pinch those round cheeks of him. He looks otherworldly. Maybe being betrothal to him isn't so bad. It's not everybody that can say they bagged the most beautiful alpha out there.

Some people comes into your life to make it easier or harder. Wei Ying for the first time in his life after his parents died. Dare to hope, to dream that maybe this time his life will be easier. Maybe this time love will be given freely. He is not so naive that he don't know that even though things start going good for you that somewhere along the way people won't start making things difficult. He hope his new family is one that he can trust and rely on. His been hurt to many times.

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