Chapter 10

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It's been a week since their outing and since Wei Ying spoke those words. Lan Zhan has been conflicted ever since. He doesn't know what to do. I thought about asking his brothers opinion but decided against it. There is nothing his brother can do if Wei Ying wishes not to be with him. He can't force him. He won't do that to Wei Ying. So he meditates hoping to clear his mind. Why does nobody wants him. First his mother went away and now Wei Ying doesn't want to be with him. Is he so undesirable? Does he also not deserve to be loved? But does Wei Ying not also deserves to be loved? Why would he think that he does not deserve him? But he will grant his wish if that's what he desires. He will not be selfish to keep him bound to him against his will. Lan Zhan could feel his wolf is not agreeing with him. Wei Ying is his mate no matter what gender he is. Wei Ying belongs to him but Wei Ying does not agree or think so. So he still his wolf and starts to meditate once again. Clearing his mind and relaxing his body. He will inform father, uncle and brother tomorrow of the dissolving the engagement. He took a few more deep breaths and closes his eyes.

Wei Ying did not know what to do or think. Things between he and Lan Zhan had shifted since he made his thoughts clear. He still thinks Lan Zhan deserves the best. He deserves someone other then him. But recently whenever those thoughts comes up he would feel a ping in his heart. As if someone is stabbing it with needles. Maybe he's just feeling like that because of how things are between them lately. He misses Lan Zhan. He misses their times together. What if Lan Zhan finds his mate and forget about him will he be able to endure it. Seeing Lan Zhan with someone else. He had written to A-Sang but he hasn't received a answer back yet. He shouldn't be selfish Lan Zhan deserves all the happiness and love even if it is not with him. Maybe he will go visit him. With that thought in my mind he stood up where he was keeping himself busy in the library and put away all the books and scrolls. Once done he made his way towards the Jingshi.

Lan Qiren made his way towards his brothers office once his done with his teachings for the day. He and Xichen will be helping Qingheng-Jun sort through the sects correspondence. He stop in front of the door knock and then open the door when he got permission. Once inside he made his way over to table where Xichen and Qingheng-Jun was already busy. He took a seat and started without being asked. They worked in silence for a while when Xichen started to talk.
" Father, uncle?". He asked. " Yes Xichen what's on your mind". Lan Qiren asked him. " Did something happened between Wuxian and Wanji". He asked them. " Why do you asked". His father inquire. " It's just since their last outing things haven't been the same between them. They keep mostly to themselves and when I asked they would tell me it's nothing".
He answered. " I also noticed that Wuxian has been really quiet. He is most of the time in his own world. I have also asked him but he gave me the same answer". Lan Qiren said.
" You two don't think they had a disagreement or maybe they are just working through somethings". Qingheng-Jun said to them. " Maybe I don't know father. I just have a bad feeling or maybe I'm just overthinking things". Xichen said. He don't know what it is but whatever it is he hopes that they worked it out. They returned back to the work at hand once again in silence but their thoughts are with the two boys wondering what could've happened to brought on such a change.

Wei Ying arrived at the Jingshi and knocked. Not long he heard footsteps and the door slide open and Lan Zhan was a little surprise to see Wei Ying standing there. " Lan Zhan can i come in please". Wei Ying asked him. He nods his head and stood to the side so Wei Ying could enter. Once Wei Ying was inside Lan Zhan walked towards the low table and wave Wei Ying over who were still standing on the same spot. He took a seat opposite Lan Zhan who pushed a cup of tea towards him. He took it and gave his thanks before he took a sip. Neither of them spoke a word. Lan Zhan wondering why Wei Ying had come. Did he perhaps change his mind. Wei Ying does not know what to say. " Wei Ying is there something you want". Lan Zhan asked him. " No nothing. We haven't seen each other in like forever so I thought I would come see how you are doing. I mean that's what friends do you know". He waves his hand at Lan Zhan. He just nods his head at Wei Ying. " Wei Ying I have been thinking about what you have said and I would like to know if Wei Ying are still feeling the same". He asked him. Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan who in turn looks at him with a serious expression. He lower his head before he answers. He looks up and look Lan Zhan in his eyes before he answers.
" Lan Zhan I'm just thinking of you and your happiness. You deserve only the best. You deserve a mate who will give you everything you desire. I don't want to keep you bound to me knowing that there is someone out there who is possibly your fated mate. I will not be selfish to deny you that".
Wei Ying answered him. His eyes sifted awkwardly away from Lan Zhan who looks at him intendly.
" Wei Ying what makes you think that you does not also deserve the best at being happy". Lan Zhan asked him to which he just pull up his shoulders. Lan Zhan got so much more to say but he does not wants to pressure him.
" If that is what Wei Ying desires then I will in form father and uncle tomorrow about the decision". Lan Zhan said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Wei Ying looks at him a bit confuse wondering why would Lan Zhan be sad this decision is for the best. " Yes its my decision Lan Zhan. I will go with you when you inform them". He laughs awkwardly. Wei Ying stood up with nothing to say but his heart is in turmoil. Is he making the right decision. Once Wei Ying was gone Lan Zhan sat alone at the table. Mind swirling but his heart is breaking.

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