Chapter 24

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Finding Wei Ying in the bunny field A-Sang and Xichen approaches him slowly. "Wuxian do you mind if we sits with you for awhile. We will not talk or anything". Xichen said softly. Wei Ying turns his head and nods it. Seeing another standing there and knowing that it was Lan Zhan but he turns his head and continues to play with the bunnies. Xichen and A-Sang said down next to him and some of the bunnies came hopping their way. Each one picking one up. Soon Xingchen and Song Lan joins them.  Wei Ying looks of into the distance as the others watched him and he said." I am leaving. I can't be here right now. Me and Lan Zhan had our misunderstandings in the past and worked through it but this. Fated pair or not I will not fight for someone who cannot even fight for me for us when it matters". Xing-ge could you please informs grandmother that I am coming". "We will go with you Ying". Xingchen said and Wei Ying nods his head." Xichen-ge I'm am sorry but we will see each other again. I just need time to myself right now". "We understand Wuxian but promise me that you will write to us". Xichen said. A-Sang had tears in his eyes and he asked." Will we be seeing you at the next discussions conference".
"Maybe I don't know my friend. I beter get going I still have a lot to do". He stood up after putting the bunny down and starts walking not sparing Lan Zhan a glance he walked past him when he felt his arm being grab." Wei Ying please do not do this. I love you and do not wishes to lose you". He said with sadness in his voice. "You should have thought about it before you entertain their advances. I have trusted you. Gave my heart to you but I never thought that you would throw it back in my face. Goodbye Lan Zhan". He took out the jade comb opened Lan Zhan's hand and places inside." We are not longer betrothed. You are free to do as you please". Then he pulled his arm out of his grip and made his way towards his uncle's. He informed them of his decision and they both stood up and hug him." This will always be your home and you will always be family Wuxian. We will miss you so please do come visit from time to time". They both said to him. With tears rolling his cheeks he promised and left. He walked to his residence and gather only the things he will take with. Looking at his nest tempted to take some of Lan Zhan's robes he decided against. Giving the place one last look over he walked out the door and slides it close locking it behind him. He put up the barrier as well and walked towards the stairs where Xingchen and Song Lan with the disciples were waiting for him. He joined them and they walked down the stairs and soon mounted their swords making their way towards the Celestial Mountain.

Lan Zhan stood there frozen in place looking at the jade comb. The same one he first bought Wei Ying and the same one Wei Ying never took of and now he did and gave it back to him. Will he ever be able to win Wei Ying back. So deep in though was he that he did not hear his brother and A-Sang approach not until his brother spoke." Wanji what is that you have in your hands". He looked up at his brother and said." Wei Ying gave me back the first betrothal give I gave him. Our betrothal is off brother. How am I going to fix this can you please tell me". Xichen even though he felt bad for his brother said. "I am sorry Wanji but you brought this upon yourself. Because off your actions today do you think they will not try harder now. You should have been just as firm as you were since the lectures started but you wasn't and now you have lost the one person who loves you above else. This is your mess so you have to fix it yourself and believe me when I say this time father will not hold back the fact that the betrothal was broken. You are my brother and I love you very much and would do anything to help you but not this time". And with those words the two walked past a stunned Lan Zhan. Wei Ying is gone and now his brother is not even willing to help him. He turns around and made his way towards the jingshi. His wolf disappointment in him. He walked through the jingshi door and slides it close behind me. He slides down the door and let the tears fall. He cried for what he had done and cried for what he had lost. For the first time he now realise that there might be a possibility that Wei Ying might never be his. That Wei Ying will find someone else to love, to trust someone who will not hurt him and disappoint him like he did so many times. He had just proved everyone right that said Wei Ying does not deserve him. He did that all of this is his fault. How could he have been so stupid. He does not even know how long he had sat there feeling sorry for himself but eventually he stood up and walked over to the basin and wash his face. He walked out the back door and made his way towards the cold springs. He stayed there until it was time for bedtime. He will Wei Ying is space but he will do anything to win back Wei Ying's trust in him. He knows that he still loves him just as much as he loves Wei Ying. After taking a hot bath he put on his sleeping robes and went to bed. But he could not sleep his mind keep on wondering back to Wei Ying and what he had said to him.

Wei Ying , Xingchen, Song Lan and the disciples arrived at the foot of the mountain. Walking through the barrier they found their grandmother standing there with a knowing look on her face and she opened her arms and Wei Ying runs into her arms and she embrace him kissing him softly on the top of head.
"You don't need to talk if you don't want to. I will wait until you ready my son". He nods his head against her chest as the tears rolls down his face wetting her robes. She looks at the other two and they just gave her a sad smile. She pushed him softly away and said." Come let's go inside you must be tired from the traveling.
A long hot bath will do you good and then you can take a rest afterwards".
Wei Ying let his grandmother lead him into the manor and straight to his room. She asked some servants to prepare a bath for him while leading him to the bed and made him sit down. "It will be fine A-Ying. I believe it". He looked up at his grandmother tears swimming in his eyes and said." It won't not this time. Fated pair or not I will not be hurt anymore not by Lan Zhan or anyone else. I am done grandmother. I just want to live a happy and free life". She smiles at him and just then the servants informs them that the bath wad ready. Boashan excused herself and Wei Ying moved behind the divider and took of his robes. Lowering his body into the welcoming hot water of the bath. He closes his eyes. Boashan walked into the seating area where Xingchen and Song Lan was waiting. She sat down and Xingchen poured them all tea before she asked them what had happened. Xingchen told her everything. She listened to everything without saying a word. When he was finished all she did was to nod her head and drank her tea finish. "What will happen now grandmother with Wei Ying and Lan Wanji ". Xingchen asked concerned.
"Nothing. We can't interfere with their choices. All we can do is to support A-Ying and hope that he will be fine with time". She answers. "But they are fated pairs. Won't that effect them in time and what if they married someone else". Song Lan asked." Yes they are but it seems that their bond is not strong enough to even with stand such a thing. We all knew that outside forces were always going to want to tear them apart and it seems that they have succeeded". She said with a frown on her face and a far away look on her eyes.

Lan Qiren and Qinghen-Jun were sitting is his office. "Are you dissolving the betrothal brother". Lan Qiren asked. "Yes I am. I have warned Wanji that if he hurt A-Ying again this is what will happen. He had brought this upon himself and he had nobody to blame but himself. He knew exactly what those two were up to from the beginning and now is excuse is that he needed to finished the last characters. I am so disappointed in him and I do not blame A-Ying for going to his grandmother". Qinghen-Jun told his brother. " I am afraid this time A-Ying won't forgive him this easily. Did you see how he just stood there when A-Ying walked away. He did not even go after him. Beg him for his forgiveness. I am sorry to say this but Wanji does not deserve Wei Ying. Nor does he deserve A-Ying's forgiveness". Lan Qiren said and his brother agrees. Qinghen-Jun wrote the missive announcing that the betrothal between the second and third jade are canceled and send it to all the sects. Whatever happens now will happen.

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