Chapter 29

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The hall was quiet as Wen Rouhan looked at the young couple then towards the young lady before he spoke.
"Well my niece informs me that the young lady is indeed with child. So congratulations is order I believe".
The hall broke out in chaos.
"Second Young Master you have heard it. The Young lady is carrying your pup. The right thing to do is to take responsibility. How scandalize to bed an omega before marriage". Some unimportant sect Leader Yao said.
"Quiet. Sect Leader Yao". Qinghen-Jun said with eyes full of fury.
"I would appreciate it if you do not involve yourself in matters that does not concern you. I know my son and I believe him when he say that he had not laid with lady Wang. Unless you were there if not than keep quiet ". He spat the words at the man who turned ash white and splutter but did not say a word.
Qinghen-Jun turns towards Wen Rouhan and his niece and asked.
"Can the young lady in form us of exactly how far along lady Wang is".
"What does it matter how far a long the young lady is sect Leader Lan. The fact is that your son made her pregnant and should take responsibility for it. Or would you rather let the pup grow up without a father. How heartless sect Leader Lan". Jin Guangshan said as he looked at sect Leader Lan. Eyes darting between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan when I finally rest on Wei Ying for a while.
"Sect Leader Jin. Unlike you my son is not in the habit of laying with random omegas and promise them the moon and stars just to through them away as soon as they get pregnant. And about growing up with out a father. I can say the same thing about you sect Leader Jin".
Qinghen-Jun said as he looked at the man.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying looked on. Wang Fen and her father stood with a smile on their faces.
"Well sect Leader Lan it seems that the young lady are in the early stages of her pregnancy. Around two months my niece said". Wen Rouhan informs them.
"Sect Leader Lan there you have it. I do hope that you won't humiliate my daughter any futher or cause her anymore distress as she is carrying your grandmother child. Sect Leader Wang said with a satisfied grin.
Lan Zhan stood with his hands bolled into fist. Why these people insist that he is the father. He do not know. Wei Ying slowly took his hand and release a small amount of his scent to calm his alpha. Lan Zhan gave him a soft but appreciative smile which he returns.
"Wang Fen you are pregnant and you did not tell me". A man's voice could be heard and everyone's attention turns towards it. Both father and daughter's turns in unison faces ash white.
"What are you doing here?". Wang Fen asked angrily.
The young man started walking forward while speaking.
"What am I doing here. I came here to stop you. Now I know what you and your father were planning". He said looking at the two.
"Young man who are you? And how do you know the young lady and her father". Wen Rouhan asked the young man.
The young man bowed and said.
"My name is Ye Bao Chief Cultivator Wen".
"What is your relationship with the young lady if I may asked". Rouhan asked the young man.
Before he could answer sect Leader Wang said.
"He and my daughter know each other and that's all. If he claim that there are more between them, then friendship than he is lying Chief Cultivator".

"Me and your daughter had been in a physical relationship for the last few months sect Leader Wang".
Bao turns to Wang Fen and said.
"Am I telling the truth or am I lying".
She glared at him and said.
"You are lying. I have never slept with you. The only one I have ever slept with was the Second Young Master lan".
Bao shakes his head as realization hits him. His eyes furious.
"So now I know why you have seek me out. After rejecting my advances for so long".
"I do not know what your are trying to say". She said.
"Young man are you saying that the young lady are pregnant with your child?". Lan Qiren asked.
"Master Lan you have heard my daughter. Why would she lie about who made her with child?". Sect Leader Wang asked.
"Maybe because she has been after Lan Zhan since she set foot in the Cloud Recess.  Maybe she thought this is the only way to trap him. I mean I don't know. I'm just speculating right now". Wei Ying said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Mmm it seems the young lady was so desperate that she actually slept with someone else just to trap the second young master lan". Someone in the crowd.
"Wang Fen you used me. Second Young Master Lan I can assure you that the pup that she is carrying is not yours but mine. I am sorry for what she was trying to do with you.
I now know when I have overheard them. When they said. That it is the only way to get what she wants and to secure them an alliance. At the time I did not know that they were talking about you and Lan sect, if I did I would have found a way to warn you". Bao said as he bowed towards Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan nods his head in thanks.

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