X- Welcome

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I was having the time of my life with Namjoon. He did giggle a lot as I was trying to dram the rose on his inner forearm, and his laugh filled me with joy. You know that feeling when you can be your true self and you feel that you are appreciated. Yeah, Namjoon made me feel like that. He is truly an amazing person. But somehow, he is so stuck in his life, that seeing him let loose little by little made me happy.
This was until my phone rang. And I saw Donghwan's name on it. Don't get me wrong, I loved talking to my friends. But somehow, I had the bad feeling that he would tell me that BigHit didn't take the whole pregnancy thing well and that they wouldn't sign him anymore... and I somehow felt guilty to be happy, when my friends were going through difficult moments.

Y/N: Hey Donghwan how are you?
DH: Hey Y/N, are you okay? You didn't come home last night and Songhee and I haven't heard from you. You alright?
Y/N: Oh shoot! Sorry I forgot to let you know... I Euh.. I met with some friends and got a bit carried away... so euhm.. and I spent the night here... but how did it go with BigHit?
DH: Well... I guess it's just too much drama for them and they prefer to look for another guitarist with no girlfriend and no baby on the way... I was waiting for you to come home to tell you.
Y/N: I'm really sorry Donghwan, really... but who knows, they might regret it and call you back. You are unique, they just have to realize that they will never be able to substitute you.
DH: Yeah well... I guess I missed this train... I have other priorities now anyways. I should count my blessings. It's life..
Y/N: You're right. You'll be an amazing Dad !

After hanging up, I realize Namjoon was looking worried at me.
NJ: Donghwan is expecting a baby?
Y/N: Yeah.. SongHee, his girlfriend just found out... and BigHit decided to look for a drama free guitarist. It's just so unfair... being signed at BigHit and having a family with the love of his life are his biggest dreams, but the timing is so off that he had to choose between these two dreams...
NJ: ... okay I'm going to tell you something and you have to swear that you will never ever tell BangPDnim that this came from me, okay? He would KILL me!

He takes my hand and I simply nod, holding my breath. His posture and tone make this revelation so serious.

NJ: BangPDnim really liked you. Like REAAAAALLY liked you a lot. And he is already emotionally invested in the idea of this show you would do with us. And let's be honest: YOU cannot be replaced. So... if you would ask BangPDnim to reconsider having Donghwan as a guitarist as a condition of you signing with us, he will accept it in a heartbeat!
Y/N: Really? That would be great! But he would still have a baby and a girlfriend.
NJ: Well they def would have to be concealed. It is a lot of trouble for the company, yes, but not impossible. And I'm sure the trouble would be worth it for you.
Y/N: Okay... but Donghwan could never know then! I don't want him to think he owes me anything.

He smiles and pets my head.
NJ: You're an a very loyal and amazing friend, he is lucky to have you!
And with that endearing gesture, I feel the heat on my cheeks again.

***Time skip***

It's almost 3 PM, time for this big meeting that probably will change more than one life forever. After driving back, Namjoon gave me a last little pep talk before entering the building. I walk behind him and can hear my heart pound louder than my footsteps. Just before opening BangPDnim's office door, he turns back, mouthers an energetic "Fighting" and opens the door.

BPD: AH! Y/N! Welcome! I've been waiting for you! Did you have time to think about our contract?

Y/N: Yes, I did. And I must admit the offer is very generous and the opportunity very appealing...
BPD:... I do sense a "but"?
Y/N: Indeed... I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I could never live a dream, while my friend's dream is being crushed... I wonder if I could add a condition to me signing with you..
BPD: Which is ?
Y/N: You signing Donghwan as well. You know he is super talented and is a music genius. You might think you'll find a replacement but the truth is, there is nobody out there like him. I know he doesn't fit the idol mold you might have, but I'm sure him being a father and a loving boyfriend will just accentuate his talent even more.

BangPDnim looks at Namjoon and smiles. As if he could see right through him and guess where the idea originated from. He then smilingly nods at me and takes a seat while we are still standing in front of him.

BPD: You are a very loyal friend, and I appreciate that. I hope you will develop this kind of friendship towards me and the company as well, because I do value loyalty above all. Just to get it right, if I accept this condition, you will sign with us, right?
Y/N: Yes. But you must promise that Donghwan will never know of this condition either. It will stay between the three of us.
BPD: Alright. He would still need to accept concealing his family from the public for a few years, but it should be doable. But since you added a condition, I would like to add one too. The sample contract I gave you yesterday was a one year contract. I want a three year one now.

POV Namjoon

Behind her back, I smile. This was a typical BangPDnim move. Classic business trick to have her longer with us. And the thought of spending the next 3 years by her side, sounded like a dream.

And just like that I see her extending her hand to BangPDnim.

Y/N: I'm happy and honored to be part of this company. Please take good care of me.

BangPDnim's eyes lit up as he stood up and shook her hand.

BPD: Welcome to the BigHit family, Y/N!

My heart's pounding so hard. I can't believe it's true. The rest of the afternoon feels like I'm floating over a cloud. Since I'm pretty free this whole week, I offered to help her out in all the next steps. She signed the contract, was explained what would happen the next months as we prepared for the world tour and the start of the new adventure with her overseas. There were still so many details of the show to sort out, and BangPDnim wants our opinions to be heard by the producers of the show as well, so the next weeks will be packed with meetings, planning and promotion of the show as well.
The day ends with BangPDnim asking me to do a quick tour of the company to show Y/N her new home.

Once we are done, it's almost 6PM.
Y/N: So I called my friends earlier and told them I had some huge news to tell them and told them I would take care of dinner tonight. Would you like to come? It's at their place, I'll order take away, don't await anything fancy...but I think they would be pleased to meet you... if you want of course...

NJ: I'd love to! I would just love to get changed and show my face to the guys at home so that they see that I'm still alive ...
Y/N: Awesome! I'll text you the address, see you at 8:00?
NJ: Sounds great! Shall I drive you home?
Y/N: No it's fine, you go home and change. See you later!

She didn't give me enough time to realize what was happening. She gave me a quick hug and ran off down the street.

Jin: Well well well, look who we have here? Look who came back from the dead!

I close my eyes as I enter home, already knowing what to expect. These guys will roast the death out of me and there is nothing I can do.

NJ: Hi guys! So before you start, I was quite busy being BangDNim's second hand and help him realize all his dreams and I'm happy to tell you that he has convoked all of us at the office tomorrow at 10 am for a big announcement.
YG: do you call it a "big announcement" because it involves "our teacher"?
I roll my eyes.

NJ: It is a big announcement because it involves us. I won't spoil the surprise so guys simply be ready to leave tomorrow on time. They come to pick us up at 9:30. And now if you excuse me, I have plans for tonight...
TH: Uuuuuh! Hyung has plaaaaaaans...
HS:I wonder with whom!
JM: Hyung, you call this kind of plans " Dates" in English right?
JK: Hyung are you going on a date???
HS: Are you coming home tonight or are you taking an overnight bag this time? You didn't last night...
NJ: OK guys give me a break! I've got to get ready and I have no time to indulge in our little fantasies!


SongHee: WHAT?? YOU BEING BTS' ENGLISH TEACHER OMFG!!! IN Which universe does that happen?
L: Yeah right? I had to pinch myself so many times... but as I said, this was the original plan... I Actually signed a contract with BigHit today and ... I'm going to be the host of their next show. I'm not really allowed to give to many details, because of the confidential contract, but yeah it will involve me travelling with them during their world tour that starts in 3 months.
Songhee: Oh Lord! I think I would fall if I wasn't sitting right now.
DH: This is crazy! I'm so happy for you!
Y/N: This kind of feels so unreal... I'll have my first meeting tomorrow at 10 am with the rest of the members, I'm so nervous!


SH: Did you order even more food? We are only 3, baby bean doesn't count yet you know?
She gets up to go open the door.
Y/N: Actually, we will be 4 tonight, I invited someone I would like to introduce to you guys...

I can only ear a loud gasp as she opens the door.

...: Hello I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you! You must be SongHee, Y/N talked a lot about you. By the way, congratulations! I brought a little something for your future baby...

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