VIII - Hold tight

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*** time skip***

I looked at my phone it was only 2 pm and I was already in front of the 7 eleven that he had texted me. Well, maybe I could buy us a coffee to thank him for picking me up. So enter in the 7 eleven and go to the back of the store where the drinks are. Funny enough their faces are even plastered on coffee cans. Shall I take one with his face? Shall I take one for me too? Would he be uncomfortable? What the heck why am I overthinking so much. I just took an americano for him and a caramel macchiato for me.

Once outside the shop I check my phone, and Namjoon texted that he had arrived. But I see no car. I call him to be sure that I am on the right street.

NJ: Y/N Hi!
Y/N: Hey Namjoon! I'm sorry I think I might be on the wrong street... I'm not seeing you here...
NJ: but I'm seeing you! Turn around!

And there I see a guy on his scooter waving with another helmet on his hand. Seriously? One of the richest men in Korea on a scooter? This is adorable!

I can't help but laugh and I quickly run to him.

Y/N: you are definitely full of surprises! I was not expecting that!
NJ: to be honest me neither. truth is... I don't have a driving license... but I might or might not have forgotten that very little detail yesterday when I said I would pick you up...
Y/N: this is adorable! But why did you go through so much trouble? I could have caught the bus..
NJ: it is refreshing to do something like everybody else for a change

I smile at him and realize that he probably does not know the simple pleasures that life and freedom give. We might be as opposite as possible, but something tells me that deep down, we might be just exactly the same.

Snapping out of my thoughts I tend him the two drinks.

Y/N: didn't know what you like so americano or latte macchiato?
NJ: americano, thanks
Y/N: that's what I thought ( I say in a disapproving tone)
NJ: what do you mean?
Y/N: I mean that I might have to teach you more than English boy, I probably have to teach you also the sweetness of life!
NJ: I would very much love that!

I was nagging and joking, but the depth of his answer makes me speechless. I try to ignore it and simple point out that we probably should get going if we don't want to be late.

NJ: Have you ever been on a scooter?
Y/N: yes thousands of times!
NJ: okay then you know you have to hold tight right?
Y/N: don't worry!

I sit behind him, put my helmet on and here we go. I must say it's pretty smart of him to have a scooter if he wants to blend in. apart from the fact that our matching helmets are from Christian Dior, this could be anybody.

We finally arrive at BigHit's underground parking. And for the first time of the day, I See Namjoon's face as he takes the helmet off.

NJ: now this was fun!
Y/N: indeed! Thank you so much for the ride!
NJ: any time!
Y/N: are you coming to the meeting as well?
NJ: yes! Hope you don't mind
Y/N: on the contrary, it will be great to have a familiar face with me.

Entering the building with Namjoon is kind of an experience itself. He is treated like a god by all the staff we pass by and no matter what they are doing, everything stops when he passes by. I mean he works here; they are used to see him. And it's such a big deal for everybody. I can only imagine how he is treated by other people that don't happen to see him every single day. We finally arrive at the office of Bang PDnim and he greats us with a big smile! Didn't know that such an important and busy man had time to schedule such a trivial meeting for a trivial job like mine.

BPD: Soo Y/N! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!
Y/N: it's an honor sir.
BPD: please sit! I've heard a lot about you. You are apparently a little language genius!
Y/N: it's really no big deal from where I come from.
BPD: and she is humble ( he says to Namjoon who was watching me with pride). Well I don't know if Namjoon already talked to you about the contract I would like you to sign..
Y/N: yes.. being BTS' English teacher?
BPD: well yes... and no... but first of all I would like you to sign this contract. This is really the basic one everyone has to sign as soon as they enter this building. It's a non-disclosure contract for anything that will be discussed together today. If you decide to sign with us, you contract will be a bit longer and more specific, he said.

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