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"WHO THE HELL is Ethan?" Moon asked Tess as they stood by her locker and Tessa updated Moon about the day before

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"WHO THE HELL is Ethan?" Moon asked Tess as they stood by her locker and Tessa updated Moon about the day before. Tess shrugged, "It was so weird, M." She sighed, "I mean, we had just met and he tried to kiss me." She leaned against her locker. "Like, I want to throw up just thinking about it." She let out a laugh, Moon laughed along, "At least you'll never have to see them again." Moon said, "Yeah." Tessa nodded, "I was so into my book too..." Tess trailed off, spotting Eli walking in her direction.

"I've gotta get to class, catch you later?" Tess asked Moon, Moon followed Tessa's eyes then nodded. "Yeah, see ya." Moon smiled, walking in the opposite direction. Tess quickly shut her locker and made her way to class.

"Tess!" Tory called as the girl entered the dojo, "Yes?" Tess responded, setting her bag down, "Where were you yesterday? You completely went MIA and no one could get ahold of you." Tory said, "You okay?" She asked, Tess nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." She responded, "I just needed a day to focus on me, you know?" Tess explained, Tory nodded. Kreese and Silver then entered the dojo.

"Class, fall in." Kreese ordered, everyone following his instructions, "Today we have a very important lesson, don't we, Sensei Silver?" Kreese turned to Silver who agreed. "Yes, we do." Silver spoke, "Weakness." He announced. "Your opponents weakness must be exploited whenever possible." Kreese explained, "At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistakes, we all have one." Silver took over. Tory spoke up, "Sensei Kreese doesn't." She said. "Of course he does. We all do." Kreese turned to Silver slowly, Silver continued.

"Today, your goal is to find your opponents weakness and attack it." Silver said, "No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it?" He asked. Once everybody nodded, he continued.

"All right, prepare for combat." He said with a clap. Then practice began.

After practicing lightly, Silver and Kreese decided to change it up a bit. They had everyone sit on the black part of the matt and wait until their names were called.

"Elswith." Silver ordered Piper to stand, after she stood and walked over to Silver it was Kreeses' turn to pick a student and he picked... "Smith." Smiling. Tess stood up and walked over to Kreese. "All right, you've seen her fight before. What's her weakness?" He asked. Tess thought for a moment before responding, "She telegraphs her kicks." She said, "Then you know what to do." Kreese slightly smiled, Tess nodded and walked onto the red section of the matt.

Both Piper and Tess got into their fighting positions and waited for their cue to spar.


The two began to fight with Piper starting with a cartwheel? Tess was left confused but walked around Piper, "You gonna keep dancing around or are you gonna throw something?" Tess asked, "Why not both?" An out-of-breath Piper responded before charging at Tessa. Tess ducked under Pipers kick but once she resurfaced Piper put both arms onto Tessa's shoulders and attempted to spin Tess around while Tessa fought to get Pipers arms off of her, kneeing her in the process.

Tess swept her leg underneath Pipers which caused Piper to fall onto the matt and Tessa winning the spar.

"We should do that again sometime." Piper huffed, "Don't get your hopes up." Tessa responded before going back to her spot next to Tory who gave her a high five.

"Good one, Sensei Kreese. Who's next?" Silver asked.

"Hey Tess, I was thinking we could go see a movie?" Kyler questioned after practice was finally over, Tess stopped what she was doing to look up at Kyler. "What?" Tessa asked, "Yeah, I mean.. it could be fun." Kyler took a sip of his water, "I'm having a family dinner tonight." She lied, "Maybe next time?" She asked. Kyler nodded, "Yeah, totally." He smiled, Tess awkwardly nodded before exiting the dojo.

What Tessa really wanted to say was, "No what the fuck, you bullied my boyfriend — ex boyfriend?" Wait..


Today 7:46 pm

um, are we still together?

anyways, i'm going through 4 different phases at once and i wanna write anything and everything i can possibly think of but i'm lazy..

this has been in my drafts for so long so sorry if i made any errors

next chapter soon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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