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"excuse me!" demetri said catching everyone's attention "i'd like to make a toast, to eli moskowitz" demetri said making everyone confused "oh, i'm sorry, some of you might know him as 'hawk' but underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old eli, my binary brother" demetri continued.

"well, he was my binary brother, you know what he is now? a real zero" demetri said "all right, that's enough demetri" hawk said "don't let that angry red hairdo fool you, he's a big softie" demetri continued "we watched every Harry Potter movie together and he bawled like a baby when Dobby died" demetri said causing everyone to laugh, not me or tory though.

"have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?" demetri asked "don't" hawk said "that is the medical term, of course, in the King's English, it's good old-fashioned bed-wetting" demetri said causing the crowd to laugh again.

"and eli here is a pro, my mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers, and she called it, eli's waterbed" demetri said, everyone still laughed at hawk "you're a corpse!" hawk yelled.

"you're gonna have to go through me" chris said "stay out of it traitor" mitch said "hey, don't touch him" robby said "or what?" aisha asked "guys, stop, we're friends" moon said "oh, i smell a rumble" stingray said "hey let's go before-" i started but got cut off by sirens "cops!" someone yelled "shit, let's go" tory said grabbing my hand then started running to my car.

-Hawk's pov-

"where is she?" i asked "i don't know! but we gotta go!" aisha yelled, i looked all over for tess but i couldn't find her, i ran outside and miguel stopped me "have you seen tory?" miguel asked "no, have you seen tess?" i asked, miguel shook his head "guys come on!" aisha yelled, me and miguel followed aisha.

-Tessa's pov-

"she kissed him?" i asked, we were in my room and tory just told me why she wanted to leave "yeah, i seen it with my own two eyes" tory said "what're you gonna do about that?" i asked "oh i have a couple ideas" tory answered, i just laughed "wanna spend the night?" i asked "i wish i could but i have to take care of my brother" tory said "ok, i'll pick you up tomorrow" i said falling asleep.

~The next day (Wednesday)~
-Tessa's pov-

"you still didn't tell me your plan" i said parking my car in the school parking lot "i'll text you" tory said "ok well just wait here i guess" i said getting out of my car.

i tried walking past miguel and aisha without them noticing but it didn't work "tess!" miguel said, i turned around "what?" i asked "where'd you and tory go after the party?" miguel asked "home?" i said "where's tory now?" miguel asked "i don't know" i lied, i didn't want miguel asking me anymore questions so i walked off.

i got to my class and seen miguel sitting with hawk "great" i said to myself, i noticed a boy talking to hawk "i just wanted to say i wet the bed till i was 13, there's nothing to be ashamed of" the boy said.

"get the hell out of my face!" hawk said knocking the boy's books out of his hands and catching everyone's attention, the boy just picked up his books and walked away "what's that guy's problem?" miguel asked "i don't know" hawk answered.

i sat down in the seat in front of the two when hawk noticed me "tess" he called, i just turned around "where'd you go after the party?" hawk asked "home, why?" i answered "i was looking all over for you" hawk said, my face softened "you were looking for m-" i started but got cut off by my phone ringing "hey" i said "hey where are you?" tory asked through the phone "in class, what about you?" i asked "walking around, meet me by the counselors office" tory said "ok" i said hanging up "gotta go" i said then started to walk out "was that tory? where is she?" miguel asked "you'll find out" i said walking out.

"can't we just, i don't know, open the door normally?" i asked, we were outside of the counselors office for tory's plan "no, kicking it open would be more badass" tory answered laughing "wanna do it?" tory asked "yeah sure" i said, i then kicked the door open, we walked in and tory took the mic from the announcers hands "you're not allowed to-" the announcer started, me and tory just glared at her.

"Samantha LaRusso, you know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it" tory said "i'm coming for you, bitch!" tory said then walked out, i followed but not close behind her.

everybody stood around sam and tory waiting for them to fight, the two girls walked around in the circle one time "i saw what you did at the party" tory said "you kissed miguel" tory said "ooh" everyone said.

sam tried to speak but tory swung at sam, sam dogged it and tried to run out of the circle when tory grabbed her from her bag and pulled her back in the circle, tory then kicked sam.

"get back in there" hawk said, the two girls were fighting and some people were recording, sam was losing so robby stepped in "you ok?" robby asked sam, she nodded, tory pulled robby by his shoulders and he slammed tory against the lockers "stop" robby said "let her go!" one of the guys yelled, robby kicked him "hey!" someone yelled "settle down! i'm sure we can figure this-" robby yelled but didn't get to finish his sentence because miguel tackled him to the ground and they started fighting.

"oh, it is on!" hawk yelled then started fighting everyone he made eye contact with, i stayed out of the fights that were going on until some guy pushed me into the lockers "who the hell are you?" i asked "like you don't know" he answered "i don't, that's why i asked" i said pushing him off of me, he pushed me into the lockers again, this time i screamed in pain catching hawk's attention "tess!" hawk yelled, i just ignored him and pushed the guy off of me but this time i punched him.

somebody i used to know - Eli Moskowitz (hawk)Where stories live. Discover now