Chapter 12

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"Wouldn't June be a nice month?" She asked casually as her eyes scanned the beautiful scenery of the park with its trees filled with leaves that told that it was springtime. "Or maybe July ... Oh, the 4th of July, we could have fireworks, huh?" She said as she leaned over and nudged her companion with her elbow.

"First you said December when December came you said March. Now, here we are in March and you're trying to push it off more. Nope, not gonna happen Witchy," Damon Salvatore spoke as they strolled along the path the led to the little bridge that overlooked the only lake that ran through town. "We are getting married this month as you promised, so, pick a date."

"What's the rush, Damon?" Bonnie asked.

"No rush really, except it took you nearly two years to finally accept my marriage proposal. Now, we've been going back and forth about setting a date for a year and a half, and I'd like for us to walk down the aisle 'before' I walk our beautiful daughter down the aisle," He joked and Bonnie rolled her eyes at him as she smiled.

"First of all, Bella's three," Bonnie stated which prompted the excitable toddler nestled securely in her father's arm to speak out.

"I'm this many, daddy," Bella announced as she held up three fingers in her father's face, who's bright blue eyes held immense love, pride, and joy as he regarded his child.

"That's right my little chicken nugget, you are that many," He replied as he held up the same three fingers. Bonnie's smile spread even wider as she watched father and daughter. It still amazed her to see how much Damon adored their daughter. Once upon a time, she had imagined he would grow bored of their newborn, but it had been just the opposite. He would dote on Bella and bent to her every whim, often times making Bonnie feel like the bad guy when she made him return jewelry, cars, and ponies he had bought simply because Bella saw it and said that she wanted one.

"Secondly, we both know you have no plans to allow her to ever have a boyfriend, so you'll never actually give her away to be wed," Bonnie said what Damon thought to be a very true statement and so he nodded his head. "Thirdly, I love you and I want to be your wife, so we will get married ... someday."

"Yeah, someday in 'this' month, so you either pick a date or I will."

"Fine, the 25th, that'll give Caroline nearly two weeks to plan everything. I'll become Mrs. Damon Salvatore and people can stop calling Bella the 'B' word, you happy now?" She teased. Her last sentence made Damon stop dead in his tracks and turn to look down at her.

"Who, exactly, has been calling Bella a bastard?" He asked as he covered Bella's ear with one of his hands as he pressed the other ear against his shoulder to keep the inquisitive toddler from hearing the 'B' word and possibly repeating it. Bonnie tossed her head back a bit and laughed at his behavior as she continued to walk on with him following her a moment later. "I want names Bennett," He added seriously as he took his position back at her side.

"It's just a saying, Damon. No one has ever actually called her that, at least not that I've heard. Believe me, if I had heard them I would fry their-" She stopped short when she noticed Bella's blue eyes looking at her, soaking up everything she said. "Well, it would be a very bad day for them, let's put it that way."

"Rubber duckies, daddy, rubber duckies!" Bella exclaimed as she bounced in her father's arms with one arm wrapped tightly around the paper bag she carried and the other arm outstretched, with fingers pointing to the mother duck and her babies that swam in the nearby pond. Damon clutched her tighter and raced over to the pond as the squeals of joy from his beloved child filled his ears and elated his heart. Bonnie followed stumbling a bit as she tried to maneuver the stroller over the gravel that surrounded the pond.

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