Chapter 2

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Sometime later

She had awoken with a start as her eyes scanned the unfamiliar room. "I thought you'd be more comfortable here than on the couch," Damon spoke out gently and Bonnie snapped her eyes to his, surprised by his presence. She just as quickly averted them as she turned her head, but still she threw him side way glances. "Ok what's going on Bon? Why are you acting like I stole your puppy and ate it?" He asked as he scowled in irritation. She scowled back at him, her eyes displaying her fear and now confusion. "Oh and Caroline is fine by the way, though you did take a nice chunk out of her," Those words crashed upon Bonnie and seemed to squeeze the breath out of her. Her eyes doubled in size as she covered her mouth and let out the most pitiful cry Damon had ever heard. "Hey, she's ok really," He reassured as he rushed to the side of the panicked woman, and placed both of his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I'm so's all my fault," Bonnie said as she openly cried and rocked herself a bit.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked as he stared down at her curiously.

"I should have destroyed the Ascendant," She replied but not directly answering Damon just simply speaking out. "We never should have let Kai out of that prison world, then Elena would be here right now, Alaric and Jo and their babies would be safe, and he couldn't have magically impregnated me."

"Say what now?" Damon questioned, the last bit of her sentence sticking out most in his mind. Bonnie looked at him with the same fright-filled gaze he had noticed earlier.

"Hey you two," Stefan spoke from the open door of Damon's bedroom. "Everything is set up and ready. Let's see what sick game Kai is playing from beyond the grave."

"In a moment, Bon and I were just having a private conversation," Damon tossed over his shoulder to his little brother but never took questioning eyes from Bonnie's face, as she seemed to have shrunk under his stare.

"I'm sure whatever's going on Kai has taken great pleasure in telling us all about it in his video," Stefan added and Bonnie looked over at the other Salvatore brother.

"Kai sent you a video too?" She asked.

"Yeah," Stefan responded as he bunched his brows in confusion while regarding the petite woman who looked even smaller in Damon's oversized four posted bed. "What he sent you one?" She nodded before speaking.

"Yeah, about a week ago," She stated.

"What was on it?" Damon asked as his scowl deepened as his eye roamed from Bonnie's face down to her swollen belly.

"What he had planned for me," Bonnie answered as she looked at him and he briefly looked back into her eyes before letting them settled back on her belly.

"The baby," He spoke out and she nodded her head as Stefan stepped closer intrigued. "Ok, lets get downstairs and see what that asshole has done now."

A while later downstairs

"Are you ok?" Caroline asked Bonnie who had trekked into the Salvatore living room after Stefan but before Damon.

"Yeah I'm ok," Bonnie replied with a nod as her eyes searched Caroline's neck which was still slightly bruised, but had otherwise healed. "Caroline, I am so sorry, I don't know what possessed me to attack you like that."

"My money is on Kai," Alaric spoke out as he stood near the TV he had hooked up with the VCR and had already popped the tape into. "So, let's see what he has to say." He then pushed play and Kai's smiling face instantly appeared on the screen.

"Hello Damon and Bonnie," Kai greeted with what Bonnie had once referred to as his devilish smile.

"Wait...isn't that," Stefan began to speak as he studied the surrounding in the video. "He's in our house and he's wearing one of my robes."

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