Chapter 1

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"Vampire Barbie," Damon greeted from where he stood standing by the bar, making himself a 3rd drink, as Stefan sat nearby. The two brothers had been discussing how they were going to help Alaric, who was currently lost in the grief of losing Jo and their twins. "To what do we owe..."

"Have you seen Bonnie?" Caroline Forbes asked in a huff as she barreled into the Salvatore living room. "And it really pisses me off that I have to get the 411 on 'my' best friend from you," She added as she placed one hand on her hip and her face scowled up in disgust. Her words brought a twinkle of delight into Damon's eyes and a smirk on his mouth. "She told me she was heading out of town for a couple of weeks to some witch convention thingy."

"Yeah I got the text," Damon replied and then sipped from his glass of whiskey. His words made Caroline frown up even more.

"At what time?" She asked and Damon pulled his phone from his pocket, scroll through his many text messages from Bonnie, which he had never gotten around to clearing out.

"1:15 pm, Tuesday before last," He answered as he checked the text. Caroline checked the timestamp on her message and then huffed.

"Yeah Bon-Bon and I are gonna have to have a serious talk about which one of us is her 'bestest' best friend. I cannot believe she texted you first," Damon threw her a wink as his smirk spread into a genuine smile.

"Is there something wrong with Bonnie?" Stefan asked interrupting Damon and Caroline's tit for tat.

"I don't know, thus the reason I am here. I mean she said she was leaving for a few days and I know that she's been completing her class work online, we have pretty much the same classes and she's been turning in her assignments."

"You are going to get to a point..." Damon interjected arching one brow.

"Well she was home last night, I saw her...I mean the lights were out but I saw her in her bedroom window and she looked like she was crying," Caroline stated and both Salvatore brothers took on a look of concern. "I rushed to the door knocked and knocked but she wouldn't answer. I listened for any signs that she was inside but I didn't hear anything, not even her heartbeat."

"Then are you really sure you saw what you think you saw?" Damon inquired.

"C'mon do you think I would come over here and ask you of all people for help if I wasn't sure?" She responded. "I know she's in that house and she was probably using magic to block me from sensing her. I'm just really worried about her, after the whole thing with Elena..." She cut her statement short when she noticed the way Damon's eyes hardened. Discussions of Elena were still too hard for them all but mainly Damon. "Bonnie is all I have now."

"Fine," Damon spoke out and he tossed back the remainder of his drink and then sat the glass atop the bar with a smack. "Let's go over to Bonnie's and check on things," Stefan nodded as he stood. "Not you little brother, we still have the Alaric situation to deal with. You head over there and see if you can get him to at least bathe, because I don't think he has since the wedding that wasn't. Blondie and I will go check on things with Bonnie, and we'll share notes later."

"I already told you she's not answering the door, and I hope you are not planning on breaking and entering," Caroline said as she followed Damon out of the room and to the front exit.

"Breaking and entering is an option, or we could use this key that Bonnie gave me, her 'bestest' best friend," He mocked as he dangled the key in front of Caroline.

"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me," She exclaimed truly stunned by the idea that Bonnie would have given a copy of her house key to Damon of all people.

sometime later

"Bonnie, you home?" Caroline called out as she and Damon entered the Bennett house. "Bonnie!" She called out louder but still received no reply. After a moment's pause they both lifted their eyes to the ceiling where the two supernatural beings could hear the faint sounds of someone crying. They rushed up the stairs and went directly to Bonnie's room. Caroline opened the bedroom door and let out a sudden gasp to what she was seeing. Damon looked on in wonderment from over her back. They were both stunned at the sight if Bonnie seated in the middle of her bedroom floor with her Grimoire open and a clutter of papers with what looked to be spells written all over them.

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